Sunday, March 22, 2020

"All Things!"

"He giveth to the beast his food, and to the young ravens which cry." (Psalms 147:9)

  Typically, we seldom give much thought to this, but God is so good to even the least of all of His creation, even those things that feed upon other things; it is all part of something good! Those of you, if any, that might have looked at any videos of the Emerald Cockroach Wasp, like me, you might have witnessed how detailed and specific the wasp was at making a perfect vessel for the egg to move into and have all of the nourishment it might need to pupate within; and then even use the carcass of the roach to become the shell by which it becomes a mature adult. Anywho, this is only a small part of something incredibly complex and extraordinary. The funny part of discovery, if that is what we want to call it, is that since I have been alive, almost 62 years now, actually more if you count my time in my mother's womb, I have incredibly aged over billions of years. Don't ask me how, but I recall being told years ago the the earth was millions of years old; now we are being told that it is billions of years old. Where has time gone? No, I do not believe it now, and I did not believe it then: God made everything, both old and new, all at the same time, over a period of six days! And, if you really want to get technical and specific about how that could be possible; He is going to remake everything anew, if the flash of an eye; it will be so fast and so spectacular, yet no one will be able to deny that He did do it, because we will witness it, first hand! Don't ask me how, because that is not how this works; I can only tell you what the Bible says, and then say, Believe it or not! That is totally up to you, because my mind is already made up! It is really funny, now that I think of it, that I have believed in God's creation since I was just a young child; I just was not aware the Creator was Jesus Christ, until September of 1981; and that is when my world was Rocked! Today is the anniversary of my son's graduation; something I would have never expected to witness, but I really look forward to the day that I will see him again...

"Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your Heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?" (Matthew 6:26)

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