Monday, March 9, 2020

"God Really Does Save Us!"

"The LORD shall reign for ever, even thy God, O Zion, unto all generations. Praise ye the LORD." (Psalms 146:10)

  Regarding that little joke, it is pretty much descriptive of the stuff that is in their heads, those that might not only not believe in God, but those that show God no respect. How is it even possible to not respect the One that can either give you life or destroy you, for ever! (That really wasn't a question, but more a statement.) Let me get this "Grab, Go, and Give" thing straightly laid out, because there might be some confusion in the way we see who's role is what. First and foremost, God is the One that Grabs us, literally, He actually grabs hold us of and gets our full attention! It might be for a few minutes, or maybe for a few days; but He gets our full attention long enough that we don't look away or get distracted: long enough for us to make the biggest decision in our life, to believe in His Son and the free gift that is being offered! This is His doing! We cannot do this on our own, nor would we ever want to! That is the part that many people don't understand; not that they don't try, because they mostly do try to figure something out, they just don't know what it is that they are trying to see. I had several years of being misled by trying to find God, looking for Him in all sorts of different ways and in different desires; but I never expected to find Him on the cross! Oh my! If that doesn't grab your attention, nothing else will, ever! You might not get that right away, but the people that hung out with Jesus, they were radically changed! If the one that betrayed Him had not committed suicide, he too would have been changed and no doubt been saved. The Grab part of this is the part where we are Justified in Christ: Just as I had never sinned, is not for the few moments or few days, it is for ever!
The "Go" part is the race, no doubt; but we are participants in a race that has already been won! Some of us are going to run through the things we are given to jump over, and some of us are even going to drop the baton, now and again; but none of us are getting out of the boat! He is so much stronger than our will, because His will for us is to finish the race! What ever it takes, He will get us through, even if it means our flesh is torn off completely and literally, He will get us through. That is what it means to be Sanctified in Christ; it means that He makes us holy, one way or another! And, as far as the "Give" goes; it goes and goes and never ever stops: the is what it means to be Glorified in Christ...

"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!" (Isaiah 52:7)  

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