Friday, March 16, 2018

"Thy Will Be Done!"

"Then they are glad because they be quiet; so he bringeth them unto their desired haven."
(Psalms 107:30)

 Sometimes it takes being broken to truly realize that there is something wrong in your life. As with Jonah, who was actually a pretty good man that trusted in God and knew that God was full of love and mercy; but his heart was not right when it came to God's desire to save the people of Nineveh. We tend to sometimes forget what is involved in the redemption process; how redemption is not something that comes to people because they deserve to be saved, but is poured out by a loving God that truly wants to save people that are lost, regardless of merit or even their own desire to be saved. Remembering back to when God saved me, I had no desire or even thought that I needed saving; as a matter of fact, I thought the church was the problem; that it was filled with hypocrites and people that just wanted to use other people for their own personal gain. I can remember sitting about 50 yards from that little white church in the middle of the compound, watching the silhouette of the men through the windows, all raising their hands and singing praises; and I started to cry, righteously thinking that those tears I was shedding were for those poor men that were being deceived by organized religion. And then I ended up in another facility, one that did not have a church building; one that I felt safe and free from the influence of church. Man, was I not prepared for what God had planned for me! I will never forget that Sunday morning, as the elderly Chaplain was pleading over the dorm room speaker, "Come and hear a special message!" That ended up being the first day of the rest of my life! And let me tell you something amazing: they sent me back to that original facility, and that little white church was my hangout, at least six days a week! I would even be the one ringing the bell to signal that it was time for a service. That is how God works, bringing us into a desired haven, whether or not we are even looking for it, He has a way of making His will be done...

"Then they willingly received him into the ship: and immediately the ship was at the land whither they went." (John 6:21) KJV

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