Wednesday, March 14, 2018

"So We Will Call Upon Him!"

"Then they cry unto the LORD in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their distresses."
(Psalms 107:28)

 Okay, so the arrow that goes from "God Will Send Storms," does not actually end up pointing to a verse, but rather points to what today's title is, which is written right after the word, "distresses." Sometimes, God just wants us to stop pretending we have things under control, and He wants us to cry out to Him! The storms are meant for keeping us in touch with Him. I know we have our prayer times and our moments of the day where we stop to say thanks or lift up someone; but this is altogether something different; this is where we stop and realize that real danger is present, where our simple life has been disrupted by a storm, and the storm is going to take us off our game. If you don't quite know what I mean, it is something unexpected but not unpredictable; something you might not usually stop to cry out to God over, because it is more widespread than just you. That is what storms actually are, they are circumstances that surround you, far more complicated and far reaching, that involve situations far beyond what anything or anyone can control. We sometimes neglect to call out to God in these situations because they are more widespread; much like an actual storm, it involves more than just you or me, it involves countless lives all around us. Who am I, that I could call upon the Lord in such a situation? Sometimes we need to find someone that is in agreement. Isn't that the meaning of the word "they," that there is more than one? And so it goes...

""I also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them."" (Matthew 18:19-20) NLT

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