Friday, March 30, 2018

"God Works in Many Ways!"

"Whoso is wise, and will observe these things, even they shall understand the lovingkindness of the LORD." (Psalms 107:43)

 Whether you are rich or poor, healthy or sick, at the height of ministry or cleaning toilets, God can do His perfect work in your life. It makes no difference where you are in life, in the valley or on the mountain top, living large or barely living, God works in many ways! This is what I have written at the end of this verse; which is also the basic summary of this particular Psalm, a Psalm that is meant to express how God rescues us, that God rescues us, and that whether we want Him to or not, God will rescue us! It is better to just trust Him and prepare to be amazed! It does not matter what it is that you are going through or how long that trial has lasted, God is at work doing something in your life; if you are His child, you are never abandoned. He hardy ever does anything the same every time, so if you are expecting Him to rescue you just like He has in the past, you just might be looking for the wrong answer or the wrong form of rescuing. Maybe this time it is not about money, it could be about rebuilding your family or changing your focus onto Him. We really don't know what it is that God is doing, but all that we can do is to trust Him and anticipate that He always knows what is best for us, regardless of the way things might appear. Just when we think that all is lost or that this thing that is happening is the worst thing ever, God creates a new way for us to be looking at life or brings us into a deeper relationship with Him. Isn't that really all that really matters? This is not a religious experience that we meant to be on, it is all about a personal relationship with our Creator and Redeemer. If anything, this is a anti religious experience! This is a life that is lived out on many different levels; a life where sometimes nothing makes sense, but it never really needs to, because we trust that He has us in His ever loving arms. Sometimes I get so sad I can hardly see or think, but I feel His presence in the midst of my sadness. I cannot pretend that it is easy; but I know that it is somehow beautiful and amazing. I do not associate sadness with depression or discouragement; I can be sad with out being depressed; because every cloud has a silver lining! Sadness is sometimes good and healthy. If we try and hold back from what is natural to express, we are only hurting ourselves and putting stress on our hearts. Can we still rejoice in our sadness? You bet we can! If you don't think it is possible, then you simply need to give it a try. Next time you are feeling sad, just own it, but praise Him anyways! Watch Him change the whole reason you might be sad; watch Him change your world! We might think something unpleasant and hurtful is what is making us sad, when all along it is bringing us a blessing. God works in many ways...

""O Israel, stay away from idols! I am the one who answers your prayers and cares for you. I am like a tree that is always green; all your fruit comes from me." Let those who are wise understand these things. Let those with discernment listen carefully. The paths of the LORD are true and right, and righteous people live by walking in them. But in those paths sinners stumble and fall."
Hosea 14:8-9) NLT

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