Saturday, March 24, 2018

"In Him, We are Greatly Blessed" -2

"He blesseth them also, so that they are multiplied greatly; and suffer not their cattle to decrease."
(Psalms 107:38)

 Obviously I don't proof read everything; and even then, if you don't know what you are saying, how can you know what is wrong with what you have said? The point I believe I was trying to make was that Jesus has made us holy, we do not get holy by anything that we do or don't do! David obviously was not a holy man, but I God's eye, he is holy and justified, all based upon the washing power of the blood of Jesus Christ. These are the statutes and ordinances that we must walk in; that we know and understand how dependent we are on the blood of Jesus to make us purified and worthy to be called children of God! Without the washing by the blood of Christ, we are lost and separated from the Father; by the washing of the blood of Christ, we are redeemed and inseparable from the Father. And it is not based upon anything we do, but completely upon what Christ has done for us; that which we could absolutely never do on our own! This is how cults get established and become credible, because it is easy to convince someone that they need to do this or that to gain their salvation; it is easy because the cross alone is foolishness to those that perish! You think about it. Before you were saved, hell was treated as something of little fear, because it was the road on which we were riding on; and the Gospel Message of the cross seemed bazaar and so unnecessary; that was until we were actually redeemed by it. Once we were redeemed, hell became a place we escaped and were delivered from; it was real, its fires were real, and being delivered from it felt amazing. Never mind death, it was something that lost its power over us, but hell, hell was now an experience of deliverance and something that gave us passion to share the Good News. Maybe you had a different experience when you first were saved; maybe your experience was more about mending broken lives and families, or about saving orphans and feeding widows; or maybe, like some, you have just accepted your deliverance and decided to keep it all to yourself. If that is you, please live your life for Jesus, and be prepared to give a testimony for the reason you live the way that you do...

"The words of the godly are like sterling silver; the heart of a fool is worthless. The words of the godly encourage many, but fools are destroyed by their lack of common sense. The blessing of the LORD makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it. Doing wrong is fun for a fool, but living wisely brings pleasure to the sensible. The fears of the wicked will be fulfilled; the hopes of the godly will be granted. When the storms of life come, the wicked are whirled away, but the godly have a lasting foundation." (Proverbs 10:20-25) NLT

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