Tuesday, March 27, 2018

"Better To Be Needy"

"Yet setteth he the poor on high from affliction, and maketh him families like a flock."
(Psalms 107:41)

 Before you go and think this is just another post about us wanting to be fed or clothed, this is not close to anything to do with material needs; we need God's grace like never before! I think of Paul, who said how much he had asked God to remove the thorn in his side, yet God said, "My grace is sufficient for you." What exactly is grace? And why is it sufficient for our broken lives? Mercy gives me a sigh of relieve and calms my soul, but grace makes me move and breathes life into my broken life. It is God's grace that empowers us to be something that we are not, justified and children of the KING! Do you realize what that makes us? Heirs of the promise! God told Abraham, "And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice." Which reminds me about something I heard yesterday, it was about how the devil speaks uses our eyes to make us make us follow his ways, but God uses our hearing. I had never really thought of it like that, at least not in those simple terms. I have always believed that God's word was important, God says in His word, "for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name." We can get so sideways by seeing this or that and wanting it; even in our desire to see signs and wonders, which are things for a specific time and place. God's word never changes, ever! This need that is being put forth is that of feeling, a sense of oppression and affliction, which is really something that nothing material or tangible can overcome. It's like trying to change the way you feel by going to a new location; you will still be you no matter where you might go; it's best to change you, then it won't matter where you are at, the change is not based upon a thing or a place. If there was anything that I could use to compare grace to the way that I feel, it would be the way that God loves me, which is not a created substance of any kind, but just the way that He loves me; even though I do not deserve to be loved the way that He loves me, He still loves me...

""No one is holy like the LORD! There is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God. "Stop acting so proud and haughty! Don't speak with such arrogance! For the LORD is a God who knows what you have done; he will judge your actions. The bow of the mighty is now broken, and those who stumbled are now strong. Those who were well fed are now starving, and those who were starving are now full. The childless woman now has seven children, and the woman with many children wastes away. The LORD gives both death and life; he brings some down to the grave but raises others up. The LORD makes some poor and others rich; he brings some down and lifts others up. He lifts the poor from the dust and the needy from the garbage dump. He sets them among princes, placing them in seats of honor. For all the earth is the LORD'S, and he has set the world in order.""
(1 Samuel 2:2-8) NLT

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