Wednesday, March 7, 2018

"The Power in God's Word" -2

"He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions." (Psalms 107:20)

 Yes, God's word is powerful; it is powerful enough to create all that we see, it can surely change the human heart! I have written between this verses and the next, "There is power in God's word!" I do believe that I have shared this before, but I had a mighty encounter at a Men's Conference back in the late 90's, down at CC San Jose. The speaker was Pastor Damian, and I had been praying for God's word to speak mightily and with power. Little did I know, that I was praying specifically for Him to speak to me. The text was Ephesians 1, and no sooner as I had flipped the page in my Bible to the text, as I looked down to begin to read it, Damian read the first few words, and instantly I was in tears and shaking; "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God." There is a very close relationship between the will of God and His word; you could say that the two are pretty much inseparable. Paul was not only quite aware of his calling, he used that calling for strength and surety, especially in the times of his despair and persecutions. That was another thing that Gen. Jerry kept repeating Saturday, how every time he wanted to quit and get out of serving the Lord, God kept reminding him, saying, "I have called you and prepared you for this purpose." No matter how hot the kitchen got, he knew that he was the man God had put in there to stand the heat. I see that very similarity in President Trump. If ever there was a man that could take the heat, I see him being up for the task; whether or not he has considered quitting, only God knows his heart; but there are very few men that could withstand such opposition and ridicule without wanting to retreat and take shelter. What is God's will for this Nation? What is God's will for the church? Are we meant to simply sit back and allow evil to take over, or are we meant to stand in the gap and take the heat? I believe that God has equipped us with two very powerful tools, prayer and the word of God. Prayer is power poured out into the spiritual darkness, areas that are unseen and unknown all around us; it is by prayer that these spiritual forces are held at bay, and it is by prayer and the word of God that they are torn down. God's word is also used on the battlefield, a mighty sword for taking big slices out of the enemy, and a tiny dagger for close combat or personal encounters. This is not just about our little personal lives, this is about taking on the forces of evil. Looking again at the temptations Jesus overcame in the wilderness, He did so by quoting God's word. God's word cannot be argued against, because it is final and unchangeable, just as is His will...

"Then the LORD told him, "Make a replica of a poisonous snake and attach it to a pole. All who are bitten will live if they simply look at it." So Mose made a snake out of bronze and attached it to a pole. Then anyone who was bitten by a snake could look at the bronze snake and be healed!"
(Numbers 21:8-9) NLT

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