Tuesday, March 13, 2018

"God Will Send Storms"

"They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wit's end." (Psalms 107:27)

 What an amazing take on how we can get so messed up with things we can do absolutely nothing about. Actually, we are facing a storm right now, as I am getting ready to travel from here in Reno to South Lake Tahoe, they are predicting white-out conditions. My niece is getting married tomorrow, so this should be interesting, to say the least. As much as I like the snow, I was kinda hoping for some pretty good weather for the ceremony, but we have no control over that, that is God's department. This title today is written in my Bible right after this verse, but it has an arrow pointing down to the next thing I wrote, right after the next verse. Here is the big powerful deference between what happens to us, those of us that trust in the Lord, and those that do not put their trust in him at all: we are okay riding in a storm, because we know that He is in it with us! If you really want to know, Jesus was able to sleep in that ship while His disciples were freaking out, because He knew that this was a time for Him to rest, His time was still a ways off to die. We do not have that same privilege, our time could come at any moment or at any time; but what we do have is comfort in knowing that the end is only the beginning. Because He lives, we will live also! This is one of Paul's important messages, that Christ has risen from the dead, and because He rose, we will rise also! Storm or no storm, we are here for as long as God will have us to be here, not a moment sooner or later. Just as we cannot prevent the storm, we surely cannot prevent our departure. In the mean time, enjoy the ride...

""A hungry person dreams of eating but wakes up still hungry. A thirsty dreams of drinking but is still faint from thirst when morning comes. So it will be with your enemies, with those that attack Mount Zion." Are you amazed and incredulous? Don't you believe it? Then go ahead and be blind. You are stupid, but not from wine! You stagger, but not from liquor! For the LORD has poured out on you a spirit of deep sleep. He has closed the eyes of your prophets and visionaries. All the future events in this vision are like a sealed book to them. When you give it to those who can read, they will say, "We can't read it because it is sealed." When you give it to those who cannot read, they will say, "We don't know how to read."" (Isaiah 29:8-12) NLT

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