Wednesday, January 18, 2017

"Whatever It Requires"

"Thou hast broken Rahab in pieces, as one that is slain; thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy strong arm." (Psalms 89:10)
As we draw nearer to the day, this Friday, I can't help but watch those who are for ungodliness and all that is good fall apart. If you spend any time watching Fox News, you can understand what I am talking about. I am really glad for that Marching Band that gets to go for the ceremony; they raised over $500,000 on Go-Fund-Me after it was mentioned on Bill's show that they needed money to go. We must understand something very important about what is happening, God protects His people when it comes to His promises and His plan. In other words, you don't mess with Israel! I'm sorry if you are someone that does not like the new incoming President, Donald J. Trump; but I happen to believe that he is the right man for the right time; it's either now or never, as far as I am concerned. This country was made into a country that is almost 50% dependent upon the Government for support; in fact, it might have crossed the 50% level, if you include all the people who work in government. If it did not happen now, we were doomed for destruction! As a matter of fact, there are many more countries that are headed for edge, and America needs to get healthy and strong again, or else. I have come to understand that we are not part of the final picture, but I believe we are here to help protect and prosper those that are, Israel being the major player. I believe that President Trump will be one of the strongest supporters of Israel to lead this country in a very long time; almost my whole lifetime. Sure, we have had a few Presidents that gave Israel the nod, but we haven't had one that respected and completely supported them, not like this, not with such fervor. Any way that you look at this, this is God's doing. That said, "Rahab" is almost a picture of Egypt when it comes to Israel and their history; besides also meaning pride, it speaks more to the world and it's fame, or anything that would take man's eyes off of God, or make man more dependent upon this world than God. For many years, and through many different leaders, this world has been toying and working towards a one nation government; something that is much like flipping God the bird, or thumbing their noses at God. It's a lot like the whole Climate Change issue, where we are the only ones that can save the earth; if we don't do something, then the planet will perish. Hogwash! The next verse will give an answer for that...
"Then the LORD said to Moses, "Pay close attention to this. I will make you seem like God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron, will be your prophet. Tell Aaron everything I command you, and Aaron must command Pharaoh to let my people of Israel leave his country. But I will make Pharaoh's heart stubborn so I can multiply my miraculous signs and wonders in the land of Egypt. Even then Pharaoh will refuse to listen to you. So I will bring down my fist on Egypt. Then I will rescue my forces -my people, the Israelites -from the land of Egypt with great acts of judgment. When I raise my powerful hand and bring out the Israelites, the Egyptians will know that I am the LORD.""
(Exodus 7:1-5) NLT

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