Saturday, January 21, 2017

"Time To Work"

"Thou hast a mighty arm: strong is thy hand, and high is thy right hand." (Psalms 89:13)
Just in case you missed it, that was one extraordinary chain of events. Every performer, every aspect of every event was pure class and respect for God and Country. If you are wondering why I am so late this morning, it might have something to do with that. You can bet your bottom dollar that he still was up before the sun, even though he was not in bed till 3 or 4 in the morning. I am sure that he is just energized by the task which is before him. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that he is some kind of saint, because we know that he's not; but he is the tool in the hand of God Almighty, so that makes him special. If you study the kings of Israel, there were always several line of kings that just seemed to get way off track with God. Leading the people into idol worship, having the people pay tribute to some sort of false god; even sacrificing their children, just to try and make their harvest better or to try and remove a curse from the land. I'm not trying to make any form of comparison, but I do think that our last president was more evil than good; and I don't think we had any president before that celebrated the killing of unborn children as much as he did. If I was going to make a comparison, then that would be the one; not that he personally performed any, but that he made abortion the thing he protected more than anything else; even above protection of our Constitution, which is something he did not respect. I can still recall a statement he made to justify his stance, saying, "If one of my two daughters made a mistake, I wouldn't want them to be punished by having a baby." Wow; that's all I can say: Wow! So it's okay to justify killing as long it's to cover up for making a mistake? I guess David was justified in having Uriah the Hittite killed, just so he could try and cover the mistake that he made? Yea, but that's not the same, because Uriah was already a person, but a fetus is just a mass of tissue, right? Wrong! A life is a life! We cannot justify the taking of any life, not even a life that has not yet been born. There was something I heard about when President Trump took the oath of office, that there were two Bibles which he laid his hand on; the bottom Bible was the Lincoln Bible, but the top Bible was a Bible his mother gave to him when he was a child. Another thing that I saw, was an interview with one of the pastors who prayed during the ceremony. He was interviewed by Tucker, and he said that most venues he prays at, especially big ones, he is told what to pray; but for this one, he was told, "Just pray what the Spirit puts upon your heart." No sir, things are not going to be the same in Washington this time, not with the mighty arm of God at work...
Heavenly Father, I lift up this new administration to you, and I asked that you guide and direct every part of everything that gets done. Lord, make prayer the central part of the work ahead, and continue to surround our new President with men who fear you and call upon your name. I pray, Father, that you continue to press into President Trump's heart, that You are the one who has placed him there and that it is for Your purposes that he has been put in that position. Put your angels all around him, keeping him safe, guarding his children, and opening doors to the shortest ways to get things done. Put a priority within the church to lift this man up, that above all else, we could be a people that are once again governed by You. In the Name of Jesus, Amen...

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