Sunday, September 21, 2014

"Lost In Love" -2

"Let mount Zion rejoice, let the daughters of Judah be glad, because of Thy judgments." (Psalms 48:11) Sick is more modern of a term than crazy; and what did you expect? I could not see the keys or the Text anymore, so I just had to let it go. When you look up the word 'mishpat', which is the word used here for "judgment", the use is all over the place; yet the way I see it, is there are at least three different directions that this word can go, but all the directions loop into one another. For example, Judgment is the most widely used form of this word in the Hebrew writings, but the next most widely used form is the word Manner and the third most is the word Right; there are about eleven more uses, and twelve miscellaneous uses not even mentioned, but the word "judgment" is used 296 times, compared to the others, which start at 38 and then go down from there. The interesting thing about "judgment" is that it has seven subcategories just for it's meaning, but five more for the root word, all of which relate in one way or another to "way", as in His way, or His ways. Some are hard to figure out; like "right" is not hard, because there is a right way, but "ordinance" is more difficult, yet it is not if you consider that it has been established, and by Who. "Manner" is super easy, because His manner is the way that He does things; but "execution (of judgment)", that is super hard, because now we are getting into something deep; way too deep for a simple post! But here is the thing about God's 'sick' love for us: because He is holy and righteous sin had to be judged, the "execution" of His judgment had to be met; there was no way that justice could be satisfied without an "execution" of judgment! So what do you think God's "manner" of dealing with justice was? Did He not love His Son more than us? You better believe that He did, but He knew that His Son could take it; He knew that the end justified the means, and that there was no other way to fulfill justice for sin and redeem all of us. "Mount Zion" must refer to the church, there is just no other explanation; but how that all plays out, we will see that in the end. The "daughters of Judah" is just another way to exclaim the privileges associated with daughters of royalty, or in this case a place which "by the laws of parallelism denotes the inhabitants of Zion". Which by the way, brings me to the third direction which is "Justice" and "Privilege", both of which speak of "right" in almost opposite directions; but then again, that's all about choice... "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." (Matthew 7: 13-14)

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