Wednesday, September 17, 2014

"God Does Not Lie!" -2

"As we have heard, so have we seen in the city of the LORD of hosts, in the city of our God: God will establish it for ever. Selah." (Psalms 48:8) Sad as it may appear, but many more will serve sin or legalism with greater devotion than those that should serve God out of the newness of the Spirit; which reminds me of one of my very first posts: What is a greater motivator, fear or love? Ya but, which one is the best! There is really no one here that has all the answers, but the Holy Bible gives us all that we need to know; it is God's love letter to us, every last bit of it, even those parts that make absolutely no sense towards love; at the root of every trial or every disaster is God's mercy and grace. You see, our biggest problem is that we can't see beyond what we see day in and day out; compound that with the way most of us live our lives, and all you have is fuzzy dots, and life is just a blur; a blurry mess that is spinning out of control. God's love slows it down dramatically! I learned quite a long time ago that it is best to write things down when ever you think of doing something; get it out of your head and put it down on paper, otherwise you waste so much time trying to either think of what you were thinking to do, or tossing thoughts around in your mind. Why do I even bring that up? I was wondering the same thing just as soon as I finished typing my sentence. But you know, God really has given us a mind that creates, since we are made in His image, we have some things in common with our Creator; we may not have what it takes to get it right, but we do have something special. Which brings me to the main difference between fear and love: one is stable and one is very unstable, can you guess which one is which? One is always looking over it's back, while the other is always looking forward, to love. There really is a very big mountain that God has placed before us, and that mountain screams out His love for us, if we would just take the time look and see; after all, God does not lie, and if He has said that He loves us, then He loves us! Of all the items God told Moses to make for the Tabernacle, only one had no measurement given, the Brass Basin which was used for Aaron and his sons to wash their feet and hands. What this Brass Basin represents is the Word of God, which has no end and cannot be contained to a measurement of space. In other words, God has written down His thoughts towards us, but His thoughts towards us are endless. We can never read through His Word and not receive something fresh and that sparks love in our hearts; His great love for us, that knows no bounds...Humm..."The WORD"...
 "This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that His testimony is true. And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen." (John 21:24 & 25)

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