Monday, September 15, 2014

"God Is Way Big"

"Thou breakest the ships of Tarshish with an east wind." (Psalms 48:7) You know that old school-yard thing, the one where you stand around comparing who's father is bigger and better than who's; well let me tell you something, our Heavenly Father is the best, and He is bigger than you could ever imagine. Sometimes I think we forget just how present God is in our lives, or how impossible it is to do anything without Him knowing. God knows everything that there is to know about us; He knows what we are going to do, way before we even think about doing it; yet He still loves us, even though we do the stupid stuff that we do. If you stop for a moment and think clearly about how powerful and mighty God really is, then maybe you might be convinced to allow Him to take control of your life; and when I mean control, I mean that we yield our lives to what His Spirit says! This verse may not appear to be saying much, but it truly does pack a punch for those that wish to rebel against God. A rebellion requires knowing what you should do or are asked to do, and then doing the opposite of what you are told, or going in the other direction. Okay, let's start backwards, and look at the word "wind", which clearly means spirit, or in this case, God's Spirit, the Holy Spirit. "East" is a word that means 'forwards' or 'the part opposite'; of anything which is vain and at the same time pernicious. There is a word that you don't hear every day, "pernicious", which basically means, having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way. Oh, if only we would listen to what the Spirit says; if only we would just obey, we would save ourselves a whole lot of pain and anguish, and maybe even save some lives in the process. "The ships of Tarshish" speak of large merchant ships, which pretty much speak of world goods, which in turn speak of pleasures, as in vanity trying to be satisfied. When you read James 4:1-10 you can get a sense of what vanity being satisfied really means, because in essence, vanity cannot be satisfied, but always wants more and more. The only way for vanity to be satisfied is by having the desire for fulfillment broken, meaning that we no longer desire to fulfill the lusts of our flesh, because that desire has been replaced with the opposite desire, which is to desire God; for when we desire more of God, then and only then, will we find real satisfaction. Obviously I have somehow drifted somewhere else; but then again, the way of God is ultimately far more exceedingly bigger than the way of this world... "Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double-minded. Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up." (James 4:8-10)

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