Tuesday, June 4, 2013

"Touched By The Face of God"

"I will be glad and rejoice in Thy mercy: for Thou hast considered my trouble; Thou hast known my soul in adversities; and hast not shut me up into the hand of the enemy: Thou hast set my feet in a large room." (Psalms 31:7 & 8) Since 'weird' was the description for yesterday's post, I decided to change the perspective enough to make sense to anyone who might have been offended by something that is hard to express without an intimate relationship being presented; just be happy I did not express my point with "also our bed is green", from The Song Of Songs 1:15, because then we are talking about passions that are always new and exciting; something that those who might not miss the experience do not understand. Instead, I will use instead the picture of a blind person that wishes to discover what some one's face might look like, as they feel every feature to get a mental image of what that person might look like; because in reality that is closer to how we experience the face of God; at least until that day that we get to see Him face to face! But this time, let's imagine something extremely weird (as if I could get any weirder), and imagine the face of God pressing into soul, much like a mold of jello, or thousands of needles pressed against His features, and the surface of that mold is your soul. As odd as that might sound, it is the best way I can express in words what I have placed upon my heart. We who have Jesus in our hearts, have this face of God pressed into our souls; although we might not actually see His face, we know His features, and we can make out certain parts by the sharpness of His definitions. Now then that you might have this mental image, let's look at what David is trying to get across; or at least see what I think he is saying, and why commitment to God is not only vital to our soul's existence, but once that mold has been pressed, it has become permanent; much like a marriage, in which the two are one, and tearing them apart is not possible without there being damage! Everything that David is mentioning within these two verses is expressing what God has demonstrated to us within His act of mercy towards our lost and hopeless condition that we were born into this world experiencing; much of which we did not even know how to explain what we were feeling, or why we felt so alone and lost at times, even though we had not really gone anywhere at all. Really, what does it mean to be born into sin? I know that it means we are born into this fallen world, therefore we are born fallen creatures; but what does it mean to our condition as a living soul, to have been born into sin? Separated from God; from the One who gave us life, and from the One in whom our life has been formed from the beginning; trapped in a world that is full of sickness and decay, and knowing there is somewhere else you would rather be; feeling lost and hopeless because your missing something vital to your existence, and you don't know what it is, or where to find it. These are things that make up the beginning of every soul's life upon this earth, and He knows that we face these things; and He has touched us with His face so as to give us a new perspective, and that new perspective is strong and is meant to be permanent... "Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help; and stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because they are many; and in horsemen, because they are very strong; but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the LORD!" (Isaiah 31:1)

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