Saturday, June 1, 2013

"Sold Out on Truth"

"I have hated them that regard lying vanities: but I trust in the LORD." (Psalms 31:6) At the end of verse five, David declares God as, "O LORD God of Truth"; to anyone that has been led down the wrong path by some false teachings, the truth of the Gospel Message really means something special in our hearts, now that we have tasted the bitterness of a lie. As with the message from yesterday, we will commit our spirit into the hand of a God that has already committed His life for our spirit, because we know that He has only good intentions in store for us. I truly did not get that from following the J. W. cult that I was raised into; as a matter of fact, the result of God's mercy was based upon my conduct, and therefore, it was really not that set in stone what God's intentions for me would be, because my conduct was never enough to earn His mercy; and I surely could not start sacrificing animals from around the neighborhood, in order to earn some of His great mercy; so the next best thing was to go door to door, and hope to receive some kind of persecution, because being persecuted meant you were done for the week and had earned His forgiveness. Once we know what the truth is, we understand that it's not about our ability to earn anything, but rather, it's based upon our ability to ask Him for forgiveness! Do you want to be made whole? Then ask Jesus to make you whole! What's so hard about that? But you might say something like, Yes, I have asked Him already, but I am still not whole yet; to which I would respond, Do you really want to be made whole? Really??? Being whole may or may not be what you think it is; because if you think being whole means that you are no longer tempted by sin, then you really missed the whole point of the Gospel Message! After Jesus had healed the man at the pool of Bethesda, He ran into him again later, and said, "Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee." (John 5:14) Sin can still enter into our lives, it's just something that we are to try and avoid partaking in, sometimes desperately with all that is within us, including the Helper that Jesus has provided; understanding this, that when we do sin, it is because we have done so by giving into the desires of our flesh, and by rejecting the help of the Holy Spirit. And yet, we sin! Darn, darn, darn; sinned again!!! "Into Thine hand I commit my spirit: Thou hast redeemed me, O LORD God of Truth!" (Psalms 31:5)  

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