Thursday, June 27, 2013

"Confession and Forgiveness"

Moving on, we go from the roller coaster ride of Psalms 31, to what I would like to refer to as, a walk in the park. There were many verses of Psalms 31 which spoke of Jesus and His experiences faced before a people that rejected Him, but for the sake of what I believe God was speaking into my heart, I pretty much stuck to the message of our commitment to God; however, if you want to see what real commitment looks like, as I said before, you have to look no further than Jesus Christ, who suffered rejection, humiliation, beatings beyond that which the normal man could endure, death upon the cross, and the hardest thing of all, He was separated from the Father as He took the sins of the world upon Himself. Psalms 32 is all about us; it's a Psalm which has within it instruction for what every man, women and child needs, which is to be forgiven of their sins; unfortunately, not everyone realizes that before there can be a realized forgiveness, there most first be confession; the two go hand in hand together! Now then; the reason I would like to refer to this Psalm as a walk in the park, is because of the simpleness involved with 'Confession and Forgiveness'; and yes, 'Confession and Forgiveness' is the title above Psalms 32 in my Bible, in case you were wondering. Besides for the fact of simplicity, there is another reason for the walk in the park analogy, and it has to do with one of my favorite verses of the Old Testament, which is found in Isaiah 1:18, and it says, "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though the be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." It's hard to imagine doing this, but the general idea of what this walk in the park involves, is to be strolling through the park with our Heavenly Father, and reasoning together with Him over the whole idea of 'Confession and Forgiveness'; all the while, He brings up the reasons that we need forgiveness, while we confess the sins that we need forgiveness for. It is really not that hard to understand; forgiveness is there, and it is waiting for us to claim as our's; but, it requires an act upon our part in order to receive it; it requires us asking for God's forgiveness by confessing the sin we need to be forgiven of, as many sins as those might be... "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)

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