Monday, October 22, 2012

"The Sanctification"

"Send thee help from the sanctuary, and strengthen thee out of Zion;" (Psalms 20:2) When it comes to praying for someone, especially for someone who wields great power, it is important that they are going to be instructed in holiness. This is no ordinary prayer for God's help in time of trouble; but is fashioned in a way that the help provided is generated towards holiness and a knowledge of God's awesome power. Some people think that it is okay to test God in certain matters, such as fornication, stealing, or lying; but the only thing that testing God in such matters does, is to weaken the persons faith that does such things; because God is not tested, but their faith in the holiness of God is, and is found wanting! We must understand that our God is Holy, and that He puts forth holiness whenever He comes near; therefore, the sin that dwells within us is illuminated by His very presence, and we are made fully exposed in His light. This is the prayer being asked for in the first half of this verse; that God's help would come forth from His holiness, as to expose anything that is sin in the life of him who is being prayed for. After all; if we are really wanting prayer for victory, then shouldn't we expect it to included all areas of our life? You can actually gain a victory in one area of your life, while suffering defeat and loss in another. God would have us to be victorious in all areas of our lives, because we are to be a testimony of His greatness and power; not an example of weakness and defeat; because He has not called us into a life that is filled with devastation and sadness, but a life full of light and salt, so that we can be a testimony of who He is, not of what were before He sanctified us by His Son. Which brings me to the second half of this verse, and the unmovable sanctification of the blood of Jesus Christ! We are victorious in all things, as long as we are under the covering of the blood of Jesus! All is a word that pretty much means every area of our life; and if Jesus Christ is Lord of all of your life, then there is nothing in your life that can have defeat; absolutely nothing! No Way; No How!!! "For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments: and His commandments are not grievous. For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God." (1 John 5:3-5)

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