Tuesday, October 16, 2012

"Our Attention"

"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my Redeemer." (Psalms 19:14) There is nothing that is too big or difficult for our God to do; neither is there anything that is too small that He does not care about. If He knows the very number of hairs upon your head, then He is surely concerned with the other little details in your life. This is the most amazing thing that I have discovered about our Creator, is His attention to detail, and the fact that even the smallest particle that man can discover, when explored to it's fullest, is beyond explanation. It is this attention to detail that is apparent in the God who loves us, that makes me take pause, and makes me evaluate all my many blessings that He has surrounded me with. There is a really good reason that we are to count our blessing, and we are to name them one by one; because the enemy of our souls would have us focus upon those things that are looked upon as curses, and make us to have a discontent heart before our God. You have no doubt heard the phrase, 'Behind every cloud is a silver linning'; well I am beginning to think that we need to start looking for those silver linings, and we need to quit paying so much attention to the clouds. All that the clouds should be to someone who believes in the love of God, is something that makes us look for what goodness God is going to work into our lives, and something that gets our attention for what is going to happen next. I could not help but think of Job this morning, as he complained and sat in ashes, feeling as though God should have never have let him be born. God's answer to Job's disparity was, "Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer me. Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if thou hast understanding". (Job 38:2-4) As soon as we start to question what it is that God is doing, we begin to give area for the enemy to discourage our hearts, making us question God's intentions towards us, and giving us a natural tendency to focus upon the clouds instead of looking for the silver linings. With all the attention that our God has put into every detail of His creation, is it not surprising that He would also put detail into the shaping and molding of His children? His desire for us all is that we would be perfect; without wrinkle or spot, and having a heart that is paying attention to Him; always looking for His goodness and blessings, and never doubting His love, and His care for what is best for us. If you really think about what went into Him laying the foundations of the earth, and how much preparation would have been involved for someone like you or I to design such a planet; where it's orbit around it's sun alone, is something to be amazed at; yet it continues spinning and rotating, by just the words of His commands... "The great God that formed all things both rewardeth the fool, and rewardeth the transgressors." (Proverbs 26:10)  

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