Monday, October 29, 2012

"The Affirmation" -2

"Now know I that the LORD saveth His anointed; He will hear from His holy heaven with the saving strength of His right hand." (Psalms 20:6) You know, there is something about this verse that causes me to wonder when David had quit knowing that God listens and saves. As a young man, David slew a mighty giant with just a sling and a stone; knowing that God was able to deliver that giant into his hand, because of who God is, and because of the challenge that the giant put forth against God's people, and therefore he was challenging God. But you know, that was before David was anointed to be the king of Israel, and before he was put into a position to lead God's people. The arena changes when you are placed in the role of leadership; you have now become a bulls eye in the enemy's scope, and someone whom is of great interest for the enemy to come against. When we are talking about those who are anointed of God, we could be speaking of a whole array of people, from those that are saved and teach Sunday School to children, all the way up to those who are not saved and are leading countries; because God will use those that are not His children to bring about His perfect plan. However, when we are talking about the LORD saving His anointed, that is something all together different and involves liberty; liberty being something that is only gained by security and strength! To most that think of liberty, they think of peace and in every sense of the word, peace is defined by liberty; however to experience true peace, liberty must be established in our hearts and minds, and we must be one with the One who has the power over our lives. The definition of the word liberty means that you have freedom from external or foreign rule; which means that you have control over your own actions and life. Here we get into some very interesting concepts of what it means to truly abide in Christ; because if we are truly abiding in Christ, then the liberty we have to do whatever we please, is limited to those things that are pleasing to Him; and because we are at liberty to do all those things that are pleasing to Him, we have peace established within our hearts and in our minds. I know that some might think that this is off subject, but believe me, nothing could be further from the truth! David was always one who trusted God; from a small boy out in the fields tending his father's sheep, David began to establish his relationship with God, and by the time he had come up against that giant, he was more than sure that God would deliver that giant into his hand. Once David was placed in the position of king, his outside forces became multiplied; from those of his own people, to the people of other lands, and even the powers of the air; he became the topic of discussion in several different circles. But what mattered most, is that David would keep his focus upon his God; and in so doing, his heart would not be taken captive by any other. It is when we are taken captive by the things of this world, or even pride, that we find ourselves no longer living out liberty; which means that we are not experiencing the true peace of God. Peace, in case you did not know, means the absence of hostility...  

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