Sunday, October 7, 2012

"God's Holy Word"

"The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgements of the LORD are true and righteous altogether." (Psalms 19:9) Not surprising to see the word Holy come to light, is it? The more I come into His marvelous light, the more stuff is revealed that I need to repent of; it's like peeling an onion; layers upon layers of stuff, in every area of my life there is something else that is revealed that needs to be dealt with. Last night was a really long night; as I watched the clock from 12:30am until about 3:15am; and then my phone goes off at 4:00am reminding me that it is time to pray. Sad to say, I did begin to pray, but then I fell back to sleep as I was praying for my wife; I probably should not have curled up next to her as I prayed for her; you think? So here we have a verse that goes beyond converting the soul and rejoicing the heart; fear is being spoken of in this verse, and it is a reverence for God that is based upon Holy fear. Something must happen within our churches very soon, or the next generation will be totally lost! That is another reason I believe that we are in for something spectacular to happen within us; something that sparks great revival around the whole earth. God is not willing that any should perish, and is going to present a choice to each and every person that able to listen. The sad thing is, that in many of our churches, people are not really being presented with a clear choice. The choice must be clear; as clear as heaven or hell is as to where you will end up for eternity; but pastors are afraid to scare away their people, so they stick with warm and fuzzy messages that sooth the heart, and make people want to come back for more. The reason that the fear of the LORD is clean, is because it is not mixed with pollutants that make for filthiness to hang around in us; because when we have a Holy fear for God's word, whether spoken or written, we will cherish the refiners fire! We will look for God to burn away every filthy thing that is in us, and we will be blessed to have Him do it in us; and I mean, that we will count it all joy!!! Maybe I am making to much of something that might not even happen; but I cannot see our loving God allowing millions of children to go to hell without a clear choice...

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