Friday, October 5, 2012

"God's Precious Word"

"The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes." (Psalms 19:8) Did you ever wonder how joy is part of the salvation you received through Jesus? Such uncontainable joy, that just causes you to leap within your heart; it is actually a reaction of our soul within us being able to experience fellowship with it's Creator for the very first time. When we accepted Jesus Christ into our hearts we were washed in that instance and made pure as the driven snow. It was that total washing that gave us fellowship with our Heavenly Father for the very first time, and it was only because of our spotlessness that we could even stand in His presence; let alone kneel at His feet. Can you get a small glimpse of what His perfect law is meant to prepare our hearts for? Each and every one of us, whether saved or not, are going to be standing in the presence of a Holy God; and each of us, whether we have made Jesus Lord of our lives or have rejected His leading, will kneel before Him and confess that He is LORD: so why put off that which is going to happen anyway? Every sin that is not covered by the precious blood of Jesus Christ shall be revealed. I think that might mean that we need to ask Him to forgive us of the sins that we commit, and not sweep them under the rug, or bury them in the back yard; but seriously place them at the foot of the cross along with ourselves, that He might restore us to the fellowship that brings full joy. Jesus Christ came to restore fellowship between fallen man and a Holy God; something that requires that the fallen man has been redeemed to holiness in order to have fellowship with He who is Holy. Does that mean we are now sinless? Only when we have confessed all of our sins; which took place the day that we first were born into the kingdom of God; since then, we have walked into all sorts of stuff that has made our feet dirty, and some of us have reached down and played with it, thinking that it could not hurt to see what it was made of. Worse than that, some of us have tried to clean that stuff off of our feet on our own, thinking that we can somehow do something that can only be performed by Jesus Christ, and He alone. We can not just stop and turn from our sin, just like we cannot wash that stuff off of our own feet: we must repent and turn towards God; only then can we again experience the complete washing and the joy that comes from knowing pure holiness before our Holy God...We must be prepared to be in the Light...

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