Thursday, October 4, 2012

"God's Perfect Word" -3

"The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple." (Psalms 19:7) Now then, that we have glazed the pleasantries of God's perfect and sure word, may I speak to the power that is found in them? Can I even begin to express what is contained in them? In John 5:39, after the Jews had sought to kill Jesus for not only working on the sabbath, but for making Himself equal with God, Jesus said, "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me". Before I accepted Jesus into my heart, I was one that searched the scriptures for answers, thinking that by reading the word of God I would be enlightened and made to see things in a different light; not really such a bad idea, if only I had some clue of what I was reading. The difference between reading what you think is beneficial and that which speaks to your heart is something that cannot be explained, but must only be experienced for yourself. Having said that, I firmly believe that God has chosen this generation to usher in His kingdom; which, in case you do not know, means that Jesus will be coming very soon! To some, the sign that they are looking for is that of the Beast who will be slain and live again; something that I do not expect to see from this vantage point. The sign that I am looking for is revival; which is something that I believe God will cause to happen just prior to the rapture of His church. Having come to understand how much God loves us, and how much He has sacrificed to have a relationship with us, I can only believe that He wants us to turn from our wicked ways and repent towards Him. The sacrifice that Jesus  paid upon the cross was for the eternal life spoken of throughout the Holy Scriptures; life that had been lost because of sin, and because man had chosen sin instead of life. What makes the law of the LORD perfect, is that it is complete, unimpaired; having integrity and without spot; that life is actually contained within the law, because the law of the LORD is the testimony of God's goodness. Sometimes I wonder if we truly understand what kind of affection God has towards us; sure we call it love, but what kind of love is it that would sacrifice all to save those that do not love you? When we begin to see the reason that His law was given to us, we start understanding why it is important to cherish it, and to let His testimony draw us closer and closer to Him. We really need to prepare ourselves to be in the Light...

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