Friday, October 12, 2012

"Our Attendance"

"Keep back Thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression." (Psalms 19:13) There is something about pride that makes it very difficult to see the errors of our way; be it that we just serve ourselves, or that we have our priorities so messed up, that we can't even begin to see the darkness that we are walking in. Ultimately, God will have His way, we have got to understand that, and we have got to be prepared for the result of what that actually means. Presumptuous sins are those that are arrogant and are based upon a proud heart that is determined to do what it wants to do, no matter what the outcome or result might be. Be it our inability to detect our own sinful passions or our ignorance of the power our passions have over us, we all have the same issues when it comes to pride: we cannot die to ourselves when we are shielding ourselves in pride! What makes us think that we deserve something that we know in our heart is wrong? If you look at David's sin with Bathsheba, it was sin that was conceived in a proud moment; a moment where David was not where he belonged to be, and he had decided in his heart that he had earned a rest from the battlefield. In so doing, he had taken liberty to sin; not just because his passion was kindled for the woman that he saw bathing, but because he was not doing that which he should have been doing. If you really want to keep yourself from falling into sin, then you need to keep yourself busy serving the Lord! I cannot tell you how many times that I have sinned out of boredom, and it's not because I can't remember, it's because I have lost count of the hundreds, if not thousands of times that I have let boredom be a reason to do whatever I felt like doing; especially things that I knew that my Lord would not approve. Don't ask me why, because I have given it a lot of thought; but the simplest answer that I have come up with, is that I have made idle time my time; starving to fill it with whatever satisfies my hunger... "Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep; and an idle soul shall suffer hunger." (Proverbs 19:15)

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