Saturday, October 13, 2012

"Our Attendance" -2

"Keep back Thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression." (Psalms 19:13) If you look up the meaning of "great transgression", you will find that it means numerous, or too many to number. It also has another meaning that really struck me as something that needs to be paid attention to, which is that which is overwhelming or too powerful to be dealt with. Some things just our beyond our power to deal with, and they must me taken to the Lord for Him to take care of. I am a firm believer that Jesus wants us to hand Him our unbearable and uncontrollable passions, so that He might take them and make them His to do away with. If we do not surrender them to Him, then He cannot take them from us; it is just that simple. The word "attendance" is a very interesting word and is one that means to hold to something or someone; however, it also has a meaning that expresses addiction to, or to be given, whether that means that we are captured by something, or that we are surrendered to something, either way, we are addicted and cannot let go. In light of what I know about my own sin that so easily stumbles me, I know that giving into that sin is a whole lot easier that other sins; as a matter of fact, must other sin is easy to turn away from, but the sin I like, it is not only hard to resist, but it has a hold on me that cannot just be shaken off; because as soon as I say no, my flesh almost immediately says not so fast. I think I would call that a sin that has dominion over me; wouldn't you? It is that kind of sin which is something that requires intervention from God, and is something that He must assist us in dealing with; and He will, if we just allow Him to do so. But; and here is the kicker to our serious problem: sin that we like, we tend not to release it completely to Him! That my dear brother is why His mercy is so important to cling onto; as something that we are addicted to more than anything else, we must cling to His mercy as something that is far greater than anything else; anything at all!!! That includes that sin which so easily takes us down; it must be given over to the Lord, never to be taken up again. When we seriously will do this, then God will hold us back from that which we cannot resist; much like a mother who holds a child back fro reaching the candy at the checkout stand, He will hold us back from reaching what it is that we want, until we are out of harms way. If, by chance we have given in and sinned again, it is because we were resisting His hand, squirmed away and we grabbed onto that sin. It's a good thing that God has lot's of new days...  "Remembering mine affliction and my misery, the wormwood and the gall. My soul hath them still in remembrance, and is humbled in me. This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. It is the LORD's mercies that are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:19-23)

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