Monday, October 8, 2012

"God's Holy Word" -2

"The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgements of the LORD are true and righteous altogether." (Psalms 19:9) "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23) When we really get down to the root of our problem, that problem is sin! Sin brings death! Now I know what some might be thinking, as to the death of Jesus for that sin, and how sin no longer has power to keep us in bondage to death; but what the Lord is speaking into my heart about is death of living for Him. Jesus came not only to give us life, but to give us abundant life in Him. It is this abundant life that we have been given that spreads life unto others, because that life is beyond that which we need, so it has nothing more to do than to spill onto those around us. Sin that we let into our lives has a way of robbing from that abundant life, and choking off that which is meant to be spilt onto those around us. Oh, we can continue to live in Christ, for He will not forsake us; but the victory that He has won over sin will not be that apparent in our lives; not as long as we continue to let sin dwell within us. Some might argue that if you have sin in your life, then you are not really saved; which may or may not be the case; but I would prefer to not wait until I am standing before Him to find out! I have come to the conclusion that sin is sin; not that there are big sins and little sins, but that sin is something that can rob us of our victory we have in Christ, no matter how little that sin might be. Take lies for example: little white lies, as some people call them; thinking that a lie told for the benefit of another, or for someones own good is something that is acceptable to do. I used that example because I have discovered myself to be guilty of such things, or at least a part in them, especially when it comes to answering the phones at my home and office. If I am at home, then I should not tell someone to say that I am not; is that a lie, or is it not? We tend to look over little things like that in our lives; but enough of those little things can make a powerful influence upon those that are watching for the fruit in be apparent in your life. Personally, I do not think that the Lord will send me packing because I had someone tell someone on the other end of the phone that I was not there, but what does that do to testimony of being honest? When we are speaking about the judgements of God we are speaking about His ordinances, which are the things that He judges by, not what we judge to be right or wrong. Jesus lived a sinless life to show us the way that we should live! "Pick up thy cross and follow me" was meant to mean more that suffering for Him, but was meant to include living a sinless life. "Go and sin no more" means that we sin no more! Instead, we take something that we think is not such a big deal and hold onto it as if that little sin will not fester into something else; but it will and it does! Sin is sin, no matter how small of a sin that it might be, it brings with it death; though that might not mean death to the life that we have been given, it will surely rob us of the abundant life that we are meant to be living...

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