Sunday, October 21, 2012

"The Preparation"

[To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.] "The LORD hear thee in the day of trouble; the name of the God of Jacob defend thee;" (Psalms 20:1) One of the best ways that we can have victory in any situation that we might be placed in is to be prepared for whatever might come our way. The actual word 'preparation' is a word that means to be prepared beforehand, or readiness; it is the act or process of preparing for that which may happen, or that which you know will happen. Given that this Psalm is 'A Prayer for Victory', it would appear that this may have been a prayer which David prescribed unto himself, and that those who served under him would pray in preparation for anything that might come against him. This morning as I was in prayer, the Lord gave me a quick glimpse of the 'five foolish virgins' standing outside the door and knocking, and having their lamps empty of oil, they were not allowed to come into the marriage. If there was anything that we should get from that parable which Jesus shared, it is the importance that we be ready and prepared for His return!!! The most important thing that we need in our preparation for that day, is that He knows us! That is something that requires a relationship to have been established between us and Jesus, and is one that involves our communication with Him in both words and deeds. The first half of this verse is one that specifies communication between David and his LORD; that in the day of trouble the LORD would hear him when he cries out to Him; which requires that relationship to be established between him and the LORD. The second half of this verse is speaking of an action; although it speaks regarding God's action of defending, it is an action based upon reputation and the establishment of the kingdom of which he was king. In other words; what God has established to happen within His kingdom was so much bigger than anything that could come against David, or anyone else for that matter; because, what God has established to happen is going to happen regardless of anything else! Now then, regarding these 'deeds' that I made mention of: if a person is to prepare for something to happen, then don't you think that might require an action towards getting prepared? As for those 'five foolish virgins', making sure that their lamps had oil in them was something that required an action on their part; for they had kept themselves pure and undefiled, but had not prepared themselves for that moment when their Lord would arrive. If they had known what they required to have been ready, then they would have not been called foolish, and they would have been prepared; but they lacked the relationship required to known what was required of them... "And while they went to buy, the Bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with Him to the marriage; and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But He answered and said, Verily, I say unto you, I know you not. Watch therefore; for ye know neither the day or the hour wherein the Son of man cometh." (Matthew 25:10-13

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