Friday, April 30, 2010


"Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: For God did send me before you to preserve Life." (Genesis 45:5) Now then: the real lesson that we can see by the steadfast life of Joseph, was that God's ways are much higher than man's ways; for Joseph's journey from slave to ruler was really for a more glorious plan; a plan that involved and had been established for the protection, preservation and in keeping a promise that God had made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; a promise that He would make them a nation, and that through them the world would be blessed. The dreams that Joseph had as a child could not compare with the thoughts that God had, and the end result that God has predestined. Joseph saw his brothers and father bowing down to him, which God did bring to pass; however, that in of itself was only a split second in time compared to the greater picture of what that dream would come to represent. In other words, the picture that Joseph had, did not compare to the plan that God had in mind. So it is when we see a work that God is doing in us or around us; we only see a very small piece of a very complex puzzle. To see just a tiny point to what I am saying, look at the story of the woman at the well in John chapter 4. Jesus ministered to this one woman, which in turned caused her to run home and call many to come and see Him. This is an example of how God works! We really do not know who we are to be ministering to, but only that we are to be steadfast and do it; but God, He knows!!! It could be a child in Sunday School; just a small child that we might teach about Jesus, who then grows up to be a mighty man or woman for God; or that turns to a friend and shares what they have been shown, and then that person grows up to be, or to share, or to lead; and on and on. We must just be steadfast in doing what God tells us to do; because the bottom line is that God is steadfaster! His ways are way higher than our ways; we can not even imagine what He is doing, or going to do in any situation. Maybe you have an opportunity to deliver a message, say at a church or some other venue; and for what ever reason, only a few people show up. You have prepared a message that you have meant to share to a large gathering, and here you are before this small group. Does that mean that you do not share the message God has prepared in you because the crowd is small? No Way! We have no way of knowing who it is that God wants to speak to; God prepared a message in us to be delivered to someone, and they could be in a large crowd or a small group; we just need to be steadfast to deliver the message; God will do the rest, because He is steadfaster. Because, really, by one man, who was Joseph, was all the children of Israel preserved! And then notice how God performed this task; talk about steadfast! He is steadfaster because: He gave a boy some dreams, which caused his brothers to hate him, which made way for them to want to get rid of him. Then He brought by some slave traders in a moment of his brothers rage, which then took the young man to Egypt, and sold the lad to Potiphar. Who happened to work for the Pharaoh, and also had a promiscuous wife; but also had connections with the King's prison. Then He gave dreams to Pharaoh's baker and butler, who happened to be in the prison which was now being ran by His servant, who could interpret those dreams; then those dreams came to pass. Then He gives two very strange dreams to Pharaoh, which made Pharaoh need to have them interpreted; and it just so happened that His servant could, and was available to do so. Then the dream was interpreted, which was about a famine, that God had prearranged; to bring about a plan, which He still has not completed to this day! You see, Joseph just had to be steadfast in being God's servant; because God is being steadfast in the rest, for He is Steadfaster! His ultimate plan: to preserve a people, which He could then deliver, which He then establish, which He could then redeem unto Himself, which He could then Glorify in Heaven! "And God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance. So now it was not you that sent me hither, but God: and He hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout the land of Egypt." (Genesis 45:7 & 8)

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