Saturday, April 3, 2010

ISAIAH 55:5 - "The New Eve"

"And God Blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." (Genesis 1:28) Do you ever wonder if there was something else before the Garden of Eden? Did God destroy what once was, to start over with a new plan? A plan that this time would be established in the power of His Grace? As we look in the verse above, God gives instruction to man to be fruitful and to multiply; and He tells man to 'replenish' the earth. This word replenish means to fill again; to supply what was removed. If we look again at that Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and we consider what might have been, if anything, before the Garden: we might begin to realize that God knew a lot more than we think He knew when He established the Garden. Where did the evil come from? Okay: How about Knowledge? This fact I know: Jesus made it very clear when He was here on this earth, on many occasions and in many different ways: "If it happens in your heart, it has happened!"; (that's paraphrased into Shasta Lake lingo). God's plan for redemption was established way before the Fall of Man; because this time God was going to do something far more spectacular and everlasting to deal with the evil; once and for all. This time God was setting things in order for Himself to take things into His own hands, and to establish a New Heaven and a New Earth that would be so spectacular, words could not describe it. That rib that was removed from Adam represented the death that occurred when sin was conceived. Man's eternal soul was separated from God, by the Spirit of God being taken out of man; and then man became spiritually dead. Then that rib was used to create Eve, which would represent fallen man; which is man's current state of being dead to God, and separated from Him. Jesus, who is God, and came upon this earth, and is in fact the New Adam; He took on the form of a man, so that He Himself could ultimately redeem His Bride; which is this New Eve; that was created by the rib. I know it all seems quit bazaar; but God is really Gloriful that way! He loves to amaze us with His foreknowledge and abilities to bring things into existence. When Jesus died on the cross, He paid the price for the sin that caused that rib to be removed from man; which now made way for the fallen man, which is the New Eve, to be redeemed from her fallen state. When that veil within the temple was torn in two, and when Jesus declared, "It is Finished", just before He died on that cross; in that instance man was redeemed; the sin that separated man from God was dealt with, once and for all. Man no longer would have to remain separated from God because of sin, but could now, once again, freely choose whether he was to live or die; just as Adam and Eve in the Garden had a choice as to whether they would live or die. God said in Genesis 2:18, "But the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Then when the devil tempted Eve, and she replied to his tempting, she says, "But of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die." My mom would always say, "Don't you even think about it", when ever I was about to get into something that was not meant for me. I wonder what made Eve add this "Neither shall thou touch it" to God's command about not eating of it. Could Adam have instructed her in what not to do, and said, "And don't even touch it"? If he did, he might have been wise to say, "And don't even look upon it"; or "And don't even think about it". But that might have been pretty hard to do, since this particular tree was placed by God smack dab in the middle of the Garden! I am under the impression that it was a setup from the get go!!! Why would God tell them to not partake of something that He had planted right in the middle of their life? Remember, God knows all things; He knows all the past, the present and the future; and because He knows all things, He establishes things to be worked into His Perfect Will. What is His Perfect Will? That He would once and for all redeem man unto Himself forever. It breaks God's heart every time that man is torn away from Him because of the evil; so He made the way for that to never happen again. This is the redemption that those of old looked forward to, and the Gift of God that we look back upon: Once there was a Tree that the Old Eve thought that she should not even touch; now there is a Tree that the New Eve must Know she must not let go of. In the Garden, man was instructed whether he would live or die, by what he should not do; now he is instructed whether he will live or die, by what he must do. Maybe Eve said God's command the way that she did, so that He could use it to make this illustration; (I'm just saying). "Because of the Lord thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel;" (Isaiah 55:5)

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