Tuesday, April 6, 2010

ISAIAH 55:6 - 'From Ho to Woe'

"Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near;" There come times in the life of us that are Believers, that we feel called to do something for the Lord. These are windows of opportunities that God will open for us to step into; to take a step of faith in obedience to the calling upon our lives. It is very crucial to the walking in the Perfect Will of God that we do what we feel God is leading us to do, when He is leading us to do it. A really good example of this point, is the children of Israel not going into the Promised Land when they were originally told to do it. When they were told by God to pick one man from each Tribe, to go and search the Land; two came back with a good report, while the other ten had grime reports of obstacles that stood in the way of possessing the Land that God was giving to them as an inheritance. The children of Israel rebelled against God; so much so, that they were about to stone the two which had the good reports; when they tried to persuade the people to trust God and just go for it. If God said do it, they should have just done it; but instead they began to weigh the obstacles that stood in their way, and were using the wrong kind of a scale. For they were looking at these problems from their point of view, instead of from God's point of view. You see, had they really believed that God was in control, (and they should have), then they would have trusted God, and not second guessed Him. What ended up happening instead, was a whole generation of God's people losing out on the promise of God. It was crucial for that generation to have followed through, and since they did not, they lost out on a great opportunity; they were not allowed to experience the fruits of the Land. God still provided for them for the next forty years as they wondered around in the wilderness; He was still their God; but they missed out. Instead of calling upon and believing in God to be able to deliver the Land into their hands, they looked upon their own strength and abilities to take the Land: "Woe; There are giants in the Land". Yes; and so what if there were! God was more than able to deliver them, and they should have known this as a fact; they should have not even considered the giants that were spied out as a hindrance; but instead, they should have acknowledged those giants as opportunities for God to be glorified. In other words; these obstacles were just opportunities waiting for them to prove that God was mighty to save; that He is more than able to provide for them in not only the riches of the Land, but in the taking down of strongholds that stood in the way of them reaping the benefits. Okay; Now let's look at a brief for instance of the result that obeying the Call can produce: It is Jesus' response to the Call that He Must go through Samaria. For in that moment, there awaited an opportunity to save generations of people that otherwise may not have been reached. Now, imagine for a moment, if Jesus had heeded to the obstacles that would have otherwise prevented Him from going through Samaria. This land was considered by the Jewish people as deified, and entering it would make you unclean; much like walking through a Leper Colony. But of coarse, with Jesus, this would not be the case; because He was all about doing the Father's Will; for Jesus, it would have just been another excuse to give God the glory. And what was the benefit that Jesus reaped as a result of His obedience? Fulfillment!!! "I have meat to eat that you know not of: My meat is to do the Will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work." (John 4:32-34) 'Lord, I pray that as we continue on, that You would show us what it is that You have called us to do. That You would prepare our hearts to believe in You and in Your abilities; and that You would cause our minds to be able to see the fruits that await us: If we are obedient. In the Name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen'

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