Sunday, April 4, 2010

ISAIAH 55:5 - "The Glorified Eve"

"And the angel answered and said unto the women, "Fear not ye: For I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: For He is Risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay." (Matthew 28:5 & 6) This is the point to which God's Grace kicks in!!! Jesus dieing on the cross was God's Mercy being shed for us; His resurrection from the grave, was His Grace poured out unto us. Up to this point, the New Eve, which had now been given forgiveness for the sin, by the death of Jesus on the cross, was made alive onto God; but what happens now: Well this is a whole New Level of Redemption: The New Eve is now going to be Glorified with God!!! When God set this action in motion, (way back before the Garden), He planned for it to go All The Way. He made provision for us not only to be forgiven, have eternal life, and to be with Him forever; But He went a step or two further: He planned for us to be One With Him! The New Eve that was formed by that rib, (caused by separation from God), would now be prepared to be The Bride of Christ. For, now the 'Second Adam', which came and died on the cross for our sins, has Risen; and because He has Risen, He is now the Glorious Bride Groom: Who will ascend up into Heaven and prepare a place for His Bride, (The Church; The New Eve). This Bride that He will marry, will be joined onto Him in the Holiest of Matrimony's; 'And The Two Shall Become One' . This is God's Perfect Plan that He has established for man's redemption; from way back, (from whenever you believe is started), He has set this plan in motion; using all sorts of whatever, and whoever, to bring it about; because that is how He rolls! Do you see now why God hates divorce so much? He has established marriage between a Man and a Woman as an illustration of what His Perfect Plan for the Complete Redemption of Man would be. Therefore; when there is divorce, what that separation represents, is a reversal of His Perfect Plan; which God will not do: He never reverses, and He has set this plan in a forward motion since the Beginning. You want to know something else? God is so full of Mercy! He Loves us so, so much!!! Look at the woman Jesus uses to bring about this Glorious Harvest in the Samaritan people: She had five previous husbands, and was now living with a man that she was not even married to. This is the kind of stuff I am talking about. God loves to amaze us with His foreknowledge and the way He brings things into existence; Beauty for Ashes; That's How He Rolls! (Get it?) We must also realize this: In heaven there is only One Wedding that will be taking place; I am not sure how all this works, but one thing I know: We will not be in this body! This body that we now dwell in, does not desire to be in Glory, but goes towards God kicking and screaming. It is our Eternal Soul that is yearning to be in God's presence; and whether or not I am just a strand of thread in the Brides Glorious Train, or a Brick in the Wall: Better is one day in His House, than thousands elsewhere!!! "Lord, who shall abide in Thy Tabernacle? Who shall dwell in Thy Holy Hill? He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh Truth in his heart." (Psalms 15:1 & 2)

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