Sunday, April 11, 2010

ISAIAH 55:6 - "Desire To Be Purified"

"I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in His Word do I hope. My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for the morning." (Psalms 130:5 & 6) Before we move forward into the next verse in Isaiah 55, (which happens to be the one that wrecked me almost 20 years ago), we need to do a little recap of some of what has been revealed thus far. Remembering first these simple Truths: First and foremost; that there is a choice that we have set before us, (always), which is to chose God's Perfect Will or our will, (which is His permissive will). Knowing that His will is best for our life; for us to walk in obedience to the perfect plan that He has for our life in Him. That when we are walking outside of His will, we are in store for whatever the world will throw at us, because we have put our desires above God's desires. Secondly; that Jesus Christ is the Living Water which, if it is to be Living, must flow in and through us. We must allow Jesus to be revealed in our lives to experience the power of the Gospel, and to be able to experience victory over the things which cause us to doubt that power. Much like electricity does not generate any power unless it is moving; so is the Jesus revealed in us. Thirdly; that we are the Bride of Christ, and as His Bride, we are loved and cherished by Him with an unconditional love that nourishes and cleanses us in His Word; that we would be spotless before Him. That He is preparing a place for us to dwell with Him forever, and that not only will we be with Him, but we shall be One in Him; and because we are One in Him, we also will be glorified as He is glorified, because we shall be One. Fourthly; that because we are what we are in Him, therefore, we must walk accordingly, as one that is part of the Glorified Bride of Christ; because we actually are already glorified in Him now, because He is Glorified. Which makes us to know and realize that this is not where we will, or should be dwelling; this is not our home; our Home is where He is. There really is nothing of any value here for us anymore, and the only things that really matter are the things which are established in Him and for His Kingdom. Fifthly; That we must surrender to Him by actually living a life surrendered to His Perfect Will; making His will become our will; not the other way around: Because He will not be moved! To live a surrendered life, we must constantly be willing to hear and obey the Truth that God reveals in our hearts about Who He is, and what we are; taking every possible effort to check the status of our hearts, as to if we are truly surrendering all to Him, and if we are listening intently to what He is saying to us. And Sixthly; We are naturally stubborn when it comes to the following two things: We only hear what we choose to hear; and we always will want to hold onto something. Because these faults are part of our nature, they will be present with us as long as we are occupying this flesh; however, we are to live as supernatural creatures that no longer are ruled by this flesh, nor do we need to heed the desires of this flesh. We must learn to listen with 'Ears of the Mind' so that what we hear is able to be viewed by the 'Eyes of the Heart'; and to learn this practice, we must understand how the Holy Spirit works in us: to reveal Truth to us as it applies to us, while it is being presented to us. Then we must ask God to reveal to us everything that is hindering us from being able to approach Him fully; that nothing would be left to cause us to be accused before Him, or even to ourselves; and as He reveals these things, we surrender to His Will; thus choosing His Perfect Will for our lives. There may have been many more things which were revealed through this portion of the Word over the last 57 days; but these six Truths are critical to know moving forward. All the other things which have been revealed to us, either individually or as speaking to all, will be made clear again as we move forward in His Word. Besides, as we shall see, His Word does not return void; so anything which you have received through this study so far, though you may not remember fully what, why or how it applied to you, or why such a powerful impact on was received in your heart; it will not be for nothing. His Word is meant to be established within our heart; which means that His Word will actually be planted within our heart, and although it may be hidden for a season; it will be revealed...There it is again, that crack in the canyon wall!!! That means that it is time to be purified!!! "Let Israel (Us) hope in the the Lord: for with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him is plenteous redemption. And He shall redeem Israel (Us) from all his (Our) iniquities." (Psalms 130:7 & 8)

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