Tuesday, April 27, 2010

ISAIAH 55:8 - "Anti-Christ"

"Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Korah." (Jude 11) Do you believe that there is an Anti-Christ? I know that during the Tribulation, the Antichrist will be revealed; but I am talking about a spirit that is here, now, and is currently upon this earth, and is set against Christ Jesus. Maybe you don't think there is, and that it is just about a bunch of misguided people; people that have been deceived, and really can not see the truth; well, I beg to differ, because I have experienced this spirit, and know that there is more to some of the movements that are among us, than just deceived people. I think the reason that there are so many that get deceived, is because in a lot of cases, Jesus is presented, however the power of the Gospel is not. You see, when I said go back to the Beginning, what I meant is that we must remember and realize that the Life changing power of Jesus Christ and what He accomplished on the cross, was not just some ransom sacrifice; but His death on the cross gave us Life. In other words; there was nothing left for us to do, other than to believe on Him! When we accepted Jesus Christ into our hearts, in that very second, we were born again; we were changed from being separated from God, to being joined together with God! That is the power of the Gospel!!! Now, there are those that would deny that power, and these I believe are being lead by a spirit that is going to be revealed during the Tribulation. I have had disagreements with brothers and sisters before about this, so if you disagree, it's okay; but this is just what I believe, and there is scripture to back it up. You can call it what you want to, a force, the devil, whatever; but all that I know is that it is prevalent and present. Let me give you a small example of what I mean. When I got saved I was in jail; and several of us would always set around and have Bible Studies; we would just gather together to read the Word, and then share what God was speaking to us. One day, this kid came and sat with us; as he saw that we were talking about God and the things of God, he said: "When I get out, I am going to go to my brother's church; but they don't actually call it a church, I think they call it a hall." When I heard him say this, I was immediately brought to attention, and then spent several hours showing him as many things as I could about who Jesus was and about what the Bible said He was, is and always will be. Well that Sunday he accepted Jesus Christ into his heart, and received a visit that very same day from his brother and several other family members; all of them were JW's. The visiting room has a row of chairs that are in front of a booth. The booth has thick glass separating you from another booth on the other side, and to speak with your visitors, you must use a phone; they have a phone, and you have a phone. When he arrived at his booth, they were all there on the other side, waiting to greet him. He was very excited about his New Life, and as soon as he picked up the phone he said: "Guess What! I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart today!" His visit was over; just like that, they hung up the phone and walked out, unanimously; just like that! and didn't even say Goodbye. When he ran back to the dorm and told me what had just happened, I was not surprised; you see, I had been raised in that False Religion, (that is a cult, for those of you in Shasta Lake). I could remember the nightmares I would have as a child; dreaming about being swallowed up by the earth, and big rocks and fire falling from the sky and landing on me, much like what happened to Korah and all those that stood with him, in Numbers chapter 16. Because the way they present things, if you are not part of that organisation, that is your fate; and even if you are part of it, you are still going to be judged, and you may not be found worthy. Did you know, that the ratio of mental disorders are higher in that sect of people, than in any other? Why do you think that is? I think it is pretty obvious; after all, this is a cult that teaches you have to go through judgement to be found worthy to have everlasting life. And as if that was not bad enough, you are going to be here, on this earth; so that would mean, if you are alive during the Tribulation, guess what, yep you got it; locusts, hail of fire, pestilence, agony, God's wrath, etc...Oh, they will proclaim Jesus, but the Jesus they share, is not the same Jesus I know; they talk about Jesus being Michael the Ark Angel; and that Jesus was God's ransom sacrifice, which was a son that God gave to die for us, oh and by the way, we are all His sons. No, the Jesus I know is God! He was made flesh, dwelt among us, and the went to the cross, to not only die for my sins, but to give me Life!!! Eternal Life Right Now!!!(That means I don't have to wait for it!) "Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be Glory and Majesty, Dominion and Power, both now and ever. Amen" (Jude 25)

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