Saturday, April 24, 2010

ISAIAH 55:8 - "Beginnings"

"In the beginning was the Word, and Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was Life, and the Life was the Light of men. And the Light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness comprehended It not." (John 1:1-5) Sometimes what we must do in order to get our thoughts right and in line with God's thoughts, is to go back to the beginning. For me, that was September 1981; the exact date, I do not remember, but I think it was around the 17th. This was the day that I accepted Christ into my heart, and the day that I was transformed from the darkness and into the Light. There was a simpleness to what happen that day; it was not something that needed to be analysed or picked apart; instead, it was what it was, because it was. There is something that God does when He makes us alive in Him; it is called Life! As we look back a few verses in Isaiah 55 to verse 3, there is a little word that speaks large, it is the word 'live': "Incline your ear, and come unto Me: hear, and your soul shall live". Now then, we must understand what it is that gives us this Life, and remember that it is the way God has ordained it to be; So what is it? It is His Word! That's right, God's Word gives us Life. It really does not have to be so complex, and it really wasn't back in September of 1981 for me; but then after years of wondering, sometimes with my head where it did not belong, I made it into something that it really was not meant to be. Jesus is the Word, and if you want to know who Jesus is, read the Word; if you want to know God, read the Word; because the Word is God. Man always wants to have something to look to, that can satisfy his visual appetite; God has given us plenty to look at, and to gaze upon, within His handiwork; but man still wants to look at God. It really has been an issue with man from the beginning of the fall; but if you look at the picture painted in Revelation 21 & 22, God will make sure that this is no longer the issue. However, it is God's Word that He wants us to get to know as Him, for now; because His Word is sure, it does not change, and in it is Life. Another thing that is needed to be realized about His Word: Within His Word are the fullness of His Thoughts and His Ways. The word for our thoughts and our ways, is the same word for His thoughts and His ways; in other words, the meaning of these words are the same for both God and man. So, the definition of the words are not what matters, but how they are received, that is what really matters. Did I just make something simple complex? I hope not; because really it is quite simple! God is His Word; His Word is God. Do you want to see God? Read His Word! Do you want to know what God looks like? Read His Word! Do you want to know Life Eternal? Read His Word! Do you want to see the Light of men? Read His Word! Okay, maybe I did not make it clear enough? Within the meaning of both the word thoughts and the word way, which I gave yesterday, there are somethings that are in common; for example, in the list of meanings for the word 'Way', there were words like path, road, course and worship; then for the word 'Thoughts', there were words like purpose, plan, means and invention. Those first three words that I have listed for each definition are words which point to a specific direction; they are words which imply there is a need for guidance. We need guidance in our life, yes? Okay, that highlighted word 'worship' for way, is actually a word that can mean thought; and that highlighted word 'invention' for thought, is actually a word that can mean way. Really? How is that? God wanted to show us the way to Himself through His Word, so He invented the Word to express His thoughts and to show us the Way. Okay, maybe I made it complex again? But it really is simple! "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the Only Begotten of the Father, full of Grace and Truth." (John 1:14)

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