Wednesday, April 14, 2010

ISAIAH 55:7 - "The Terrible Two's"

"Hear, O Heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the Lord hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me." (Isaiah 1:2) If you have ever had children, you might recall that age two is not called the 'Terrible Two's' for nothing. It seems that this is the first period of many in a child's life when they discover that they can yield power. They determine by accident at first, but then by every conceivable means possible, that what they do can effect a change in the world in which they live; and they like it. It is really part of our sinful nature to want to be the one in control. When we first received Christ into our hearts we were given a gift, that gift was the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit's role living within us is to bring forth attributes of Jesus Christ in our daily lives; from the very moment that you were born again, this gift was placed in you. As we have seen in the last two days of postings, there are two very different actions which we can take when it comes to how our lives react to the Holy Spirit's presents upon our lives: we can learn to yield to the Holy Spirit, or we can teach ourselves to quench the Holy Spirit. To learn to yield to the Holy Spirit is what we should, and must be doing if we want to walk in God's Perfect Will. This yielding to the Spirit is much the same as if you were yielding the right away to another car on the road; you simply allow them to go first and give up moving forward until they have moved before you. This was very, very important to learn as we started our walk in the Lord; unfortunately, before we could fully learn this very important task, we discovered there was something else; we discovered that we could quench the Holy Spirit. Much the same way a small child, as they reach age two, discovers that they can yield power of their own; we discover that we can yield power of our own also. This is really the time when it would be good to have a moment when you reflect on what I just said; because this really is turning point stuff... (Okay? Reflecting Yet?) The gift of the Holy Spirit that we received in that moment we first believed, was and is 'Power From On High'; the Holy Spirit is God, and when He is dwelling in us we are in fact a Temple of God. As we yield to the Holy Spirit's leading in our lives, we are guided and instructed in the things of God; we see things differently; we feel love for people in a whole new way; we read and understand God's Word as if it were meant specifically for own lives; we experience power flowing through us, as we share Jesus with those around us. It is this yielding to the Spirit that keeps us walking in a newness; just like new born babes, we experience new things everyday we are in Him and He is in us. Then it happens, not really intentionally at first maybe, but it happens none the less; we discover that we can say no to what the Holy Spirit is instructing us to do. There was something that you know that you know God was telling you to do, and you did not do it; and guess what, you got away with it. That's right, you discovered that you could say no, and that you were still be able to walk in this new life that you have been given; then guess what happens: The Terrible Two's, that's what! You see that you could get away with it in one thing; maybe something innocent, like sharing the Word with a particular person: God said share, and then you said, I don't feel like it; you might have felt miserable afterwords, but not for long. Then you begin the slide; it was just a simple thing at first; but none the less it had grown into an all out revolt against the power of the Holy Spirit in your life; even to the point of committing the sins that you were saved from. Those sins that you know were not to be part of your new life, you have now grafted them back and tried to in one way or another hide them somewhere for when you want them. This really needs to be dealt with, and it needs to be dealt with soon; because Jesus is coming very soon, I can feel it, you can feel it, and the earth can feel it; Get Ready!!!

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