Tuesday, April 13, 2010

ISAIAH 55:7 - "Getting It Right"

"For because you did it not at the first, the Lord our God made a breach upon us, for that we sought Him not after the due order." (1 Chronicles 15:13) You may recall the story of when King David wanted to bring the Holy Chest to Jerusalem; he was very upset that God would slay one of the men moving the Ark, for just touching it to stabilize it; that was in David's mind at the time a Breach of God against Uzzah. However, when David's heart had changed, He no longer felt that it was a breach of God, but he knew that it was a breach of man towards God; and once he understood this, he set out getting it right. There is some very vital information that we must know, and even base our life upon, before we begin a life of serving God: God is Holy, and He has established a way for things to be done for a reason, because He is Holy! When they first tried to move the Ark, they did so as if it were a piece of furniture to be placed within a certain place; really not giving it the respect that it deserved. Maybe, one reason that this was so, is because of where the Ark had been; for the Philistines had possessed the Ark for a while, and then it pretty much sat in storage, until the day that David pitched a tent for it to be placed in. The reason I am even sharing this, is because that we must always remember how Holy God is, and that in serving Him, we must never assume that He is brought down to our level; He will not be moved! So as we begin any work of God, (no matter how minute), we must remember that His Holiness must be represented at all times; there must be a reverence for the things of God, including the work of His Spirit. There are many today that try and manipulate the workings of the Holy Spirit, as if they control what He does; but that is actually a Breach against God; Why? Because the Holy Spirit works to glorify Jesus, not man; and whenever man tries to be glorified by putting forth some display of the Holy Spirit, in essence what he is doing is the same as David did the first time he tried to move the Ark; they are treating God's Spirit as if it is some kind of a utensil that can just be pulled out of a drawer and used for whatever, whenever they think it should be; That is not how God's Spirit works, nor is it how His Spirit should even be viewed. The way the Holy Spirit works, is by us yielding to the Holiness of God! As we are yielding to Him, the Holy Spirit begins to empower us to become a vessel that He can move in and through; but if we are not yielded, we will be trying to display a work of God's Spirit in our own strength; which would really be foolish to even consider; however, many do. The easiest way to put this is: Whatever we do for God, or whenever we are serving Him, we must do so with a reverence for His Holiness. A good illustration of what I am saying would be Isaiah when he was chosen by God to be a messenger to His children. In Isaiah chapter 6:1-10, we see him first before God, and humbled by the presence of God, and God's holiness. In verse 5, he acknowledges: "Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts." It is this yielding to the presents of a Holy God that humbled Isaiah to see his need to be made clean, and because he had seen this need to be clean, he was actually in a right place before His God. That is the kind of attitude and position we must maintain as we are serving the Lord; it is a attitude of humility that declares in our hearts that we could never be worthy within ourselves to serve Him; and that it is because of His Holiness that we can even move out in service to Him. In verses 6 & 7 we see that one of the seraphims had taken a coal from the altar and touch it to Isaiah's lips; declaring: "Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged." It is at that point that Isaiah hears the Lord declare, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" And because of the purification that Isaiah received, he can now say with confidence, "Here am I; Send Me! Now, what was it that Isaiah was to declare to God's people? It was the same thing that Jesus declares to be the reason for parables: "And He said, Go and tell the people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed." (Is 6:9 & 10) It is the 'heart of the people fat' thing that I am talking about; because this is when we can begin to think that we are something more than we ought to think ourselves to be; which is of coarse foolishness.

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