Thursday, April 15, 2010

ISAIAH 55:7 - "The Wicked And His Way"

"Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God. But exhort one another daily, while it is called Today; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end." (Hebrews 3:12-14) What is an evil heart of unbelief? The word unbelief that is used in this scripture above is 'Apistia': which means faithlessness or uncertainty; the lack of acknowledgment or the nonacknowledgment of Christ; want of confidence in Christ's Power; in general, a want of trust in the God of promise. There is something very profound that happens when we teach ourselves to quench the Holy Spirit, and as we slide back into the things of the flesh; it is called unbelief, which really means uncertainty. There was a mighty life changing power that we experienced that day we first accepted Christ into our heart; it was undeniable that our lives had been transformed; we were certain that God was real, alive, and that His love for us was more than we could ever fathom. But, after we quenched His Holy Spirit from having His way in our lives, we became doubters. Okay, maybe you don't think so? But let me explain what it is that I am talking about. The scripture above says "an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the Living God"; basically what was done when we began to quench the Holy Spirit in our lives, we departed from the Living God. Remember, the Holy Spirit is God, He dwells in us, He is alive, and when He is in us, we are alive in Him. So then, if we place upon the Holy Spirit a governor to regulate how He works in our life, what we have done is to look upon Him as if He is not alive. Remember also, that the role of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Jesus; He brings out in us the things of Christ; He causes us to be changed into the image of Jesus; He confirms with our heart that Christ Jesus has changed us and has made us new. The bottom line to what I am saying, is that by instructing the Holy Spirit what, where and how things are going to be done; what you have done is to take control; and when that happens, you have departed from the Living God. We must get back to having the Holy Spirit leading and guiding our lives, in almost everything?; NO! In everything! I know it sounds a little to simple, but it is; God is not going to ask you to do something that you can not do; and what He is asking for here is just a heart of obedience; which basically is just following what you are told to do, when you are told to do it. There are actually people I have known that love to be in prison because they don't have to think or plan anything for themselves; everyday they follow each and every order they are given and just glide along. Once they are released, they do not know how to function without being instructed in every single part of their day; so they end up getting themselves put back into prison, and go gladly. Hard to believe isn't it? However, this is really the kind of attitude we must have when it comes to surrendering to God. We are no longer to be the one that is in control; He must have full control of our lives, and He must have it all day and night. We can not shut off the control He has whenever we feel like it, as if He were a light switch that can be turned on and off. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman, and will not force Himself upon us, or even force us into doing anything; so there is only so much turning off and on that He can stand, and then He we simply back away and let you get so full of yourself that you are desperate for Him. In the opening passage there is a verse that really sums up what I am trying to say: "For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end". This is very critical for us to realize: That confidence we had in the Power of God in the beginning of our walk with Him must be held onto; and if you are like me, and have not held onto that undeniable, life changing, unstoppable power, then you must look for that crack in that canyon wall and be transformed... "Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near: Let the wicked forsake his way!" Not my way, but Your way O' Lord!

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