Friday, April 2, 2010

ISAIAH 55:5 - "The Planting Of The Lord"

"Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." (Genesis 2:24) Okay? What does this have to do with The Planting Of The Lord? There were two trees that God had named in the Garden of Eden: The Tree of Life, and The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil; both of these trees were planted in the Garden by God. Now, if God is He, who knows all things from the very beginning to the very end: Why would He have placed the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden in the first place? I have always been fascinated with this; because I believe, with God, there is a reason for everything God does, and for what God allows. In other words; if God is going to allow something to happen, He has determined that He will be able to use it for His Perfect Plan. If all things were made by Him; and not anything was made, that He did not create: Then Who Made Evil? As we look back to the story of Creation in Genesis, (which means Beginning), we can see the account of the beginning of creation. After everything that God made, "He saw that it was Good"; and not once does He say that it was not good. In fact the only mention of evil, was the Tree of Knowledge: Where did this evil come from? It is not hard to see, if we choose to see it, that from the very beginning God had a plan. God is a Holy God; and because He is Holy, He chooses, and has even required, that evil is not a part of Him; thus, this plan that God has established since the beginning, was to deal with the evil, once and for all. When we see in Genesis 2:21-24, as God makes Woman from the Man, this is something that He does to make way for several different things. God did not have to use the rib of Adam to make Eve; He could have just made another mud pie and breathed life into it; but He choose to do it this way for the reason specified in verse 24: "Therefore, shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh". You want to know the main reason that Gay Marriage is so wrong: Because the two do not match up! I know what your thinking: 'Well dahh!' But I am talking about something that goes beyond the flesh; I am talking about the Souls do not match up. The rib taken from Adam was more than just a part of his body, it was a part of him; it was a part of who he was. The further the scientist explore the DNA structure, the more baffled they become; because this goes way beyond what they ever thought they knew, or could ever begin to understand. Now imagine for just a moment, if they could somehow find a way to view the soul and begin to explore it; if they think that exploring things that are temporary are complex, they have not seen anything. What God fashioned back there in the Garden was a way to make the two to come together and become one: Soul Mates! Now then, what causes us to have this void in our lives from birth? It is separation from God. Just as that rib was removed from Adam to create the Woman caused a separation, and the two being reunited makes one; so goes the way God has chosen to deal with the evil. This is very complex, and as soon as I think I have it figured out, I blow a couple circuits, and then have to start over again; but it is bigger than my brain can absorb. This much I do know well enough to explain: Jesus is God; He created all things; He became a man so that He might redeem Man; and the reason Man needed to be redeemed was because he was separated from God, because of the sin, (otherwise known as evil). When Jesus came, died, rose again, and then ascended up into heaven, he establish a New Garden; and in this New Garden, there is a New Eve; this New Eve is His Bride; this Bride is US, (that means you and me for those of you in Shasta Lake). When Paul talks about Jesus being the second Adam, in Romans chapter 5, it was more than just meaning the second Man created; it speaks more to the opposite of what happen in the Garden: In verse 12, he says, "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin"; and then he goes on to explain, in many different ways; that it is by The One Man, Jesus Christ, that we have life, because the sin that separated us, has been conquered; and now we that were once separated by the sin, can now be reunited unto God. As we look back to John 4, and the people of Samaria; we see a people that were hungry to be reunited to God. They knew more than anyone how it felt to be separated; because not only were they separated from God, but they were separated from God's people; being Jews themselves, but not considered as such by their own. They made their way to where Jesus was in a hurry, because they knew that they needed to be redeemed; they did not want to be separated any longer. If you really want to know why God hates divorce, just look at the picture of the creation of Man and Woman; what you will see is also the picture of the Gospel. This is why Paul mentions this strange verse in Ephesians 5:32: "This is a Great Mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the Church"; this he states after he says this verse that you may notice as familiar: "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh"; This he says after he stated the following fact: "For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the Church: For we are members of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones. " If we go back to the opening verse taken from Genesis 2:24, we see something very similar to what was just stated; for verse 24, follows verse 23; which is what Adam said of the Woman after God had made her from his rib and had given her to him: "And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of man." (I have to admit, I really don't know what I am doing; I just wanted to share this today, and wanted to work it into Isaiah 55:5. So sue me...)

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