Thursday, November 15, 2018

"Abundant Riches"

"I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies, as much as in all riches." (Psalms 119:14)

 When it comes to weighing the difference between having God in my life and not, there is absolutely no comparison between the two. It's like that poem, "Let me count the ways," how can I even begin to compare the two, because the scale is instantly tilted, right off the bat. This is what I have received from this verse this morning, that there is no comparison, even if I consider all the riches this world has to offer, none of that holds a candle to the greatness of knowing and being loved by God. Does it not make sense? Trust me, nothing here is worth holding onto, because in a single moment it can all be swept away! I was listing to the list of structures that have been damaged or destroyed in the Camp Fire, as of yesterday there were hundreds that have been damaged, but there have been over 10,000 that have been destroyed! Besides that, there have been at least 60 people killed; and there are still over a hundred people still reported missing. This next week's celebration of Thanksgiving is going to be pretty tuff for a whole lot of people; and that's just talking about one fire, there has been so many fires this year, I have lost count. I have been weighing the notion of closing my business, selling the house, and just living in the RV. It is possible that I can make it happen, I just haven't heard the Lord speak loud enough yet as to whether I should try. We seriously don't need all of this stuff; most of this house goes unused and even my entertainment system gets used by other people more than it has by me. One thing is for sure, I really don't feel comfortable living here through another fire season. But, then again, where is my faith in that line of thinking? Much as it is with my health, I am trusting God to keep me around long enough to take care of my wife; but the worst thing that could happen is to get caught in a fire; not when there has been something placed on my heart to move. I live up a mountain, with trees all around, and one road up or down; so if a fire starts below me, it's either fight the fire or try and drive through it. After what I have witnessed this last year, I think it's best to just find another place to live; one that has more than one road in or out. Besides all of that, it is only Marianne that I am worried about. When we evacuated for the Carr Fire, it took me over an hour to load up all that was needed to take care of her on the road, and to get her loaded. Anywho, this is not meant to be about me. This verse speaks to the greatness of God's love for me, and how there is nothing, not even all the riches in this world, that can even compare to what I know about Him; and more importantly, what He knows about me...

"Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts." (Jeremiah 15:16) KJV

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