Saturday, March 4, 2017

"What Drives You"

"Thou turnest man to destruction; and sayest, Return ye children of men." (Psalms 90:3)
It might not be what I was expecting, but it works. And it's not a question, it's more of a quest or an ambition; as in, What makes me tick, is what I live for! This is pretty simple at it's core; basically, you don't need to be fixed if you are not broken; but if you are so badly broken that there is no hope, then you need a miracle, and miracles are what God is all about! I heard Dr. Jeffers say something the other day, and at first I didn't know what to think about it. He has that way about him, of saying things that are just straight as an arrow in your face, so much so, you have to wonder about the authenticity of what was just said. Basically he said something like this: "God will never do what you can do, and you can never do what God can do." Yea, I know, it's one of those things you really need to stop and think about. It's a little like something I heard Pastor Matt say when speaking about his first message at his church; although there was only a hand full of people there, after he finished, he did not expect any to return. He thought his message was terrible and he didn't even understand the point of what was said; but after the message, many there said that his message really spoke to them. Then he realized, it's not about him, it's about God! God is the one who changes a man's heart, not man, or anything that man can say. If God does not speak into their hearts, nothing you say will even matter; but if God speaks, anything you say will matter much. I can recall a Men's Conference that I went to years ago; and I am sorry if I shared this before; but I was at Calvary Chapel San Jose, and I had prayed for God to really speak into my heart. The very first message, no more than two words into reading the Text, I was shaken to my core. That's the kind of stuff I am talking about. We see the destruction; we live the destruction, over and over, experiencing death after death, until it's finally our own. But there is hope! Thank God! There is Hope! And do you want to know the most wonderful news of all: It is our Eternal Father in heaven that speaks that Hope! That's what makes me tick, to hear Him speak, because Hope is where it's at...
"Don't let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator. Honor him in your youth before you grow old and say, "Life is not pleasant anymore." Remember him before the light of the sun, moon, and stars is dim to your old eyes, and rain clouds continually darken your sky. Remember him before your legs -the guards of your house -start to tremble; and before your shoulders -the strong men -stoop. Remember him before your teeth -your few remaining servants -stop grinding; and before your eyes -the women looking through the windows -see dimly. Remember him before the door to life's opportunities is closed and the sound of work fades. Now you rise at the first chirping of the birds, but then all their sounds will fade. Remember him before you become fearful of falling and worry about danger in the streets; before your hair turns white like an almond tree in bloom, and you drag along without energy like a dying grasshopper, and the caperberry no longer inspires sexual desire. Remember him before you near the grave, your everlasting home, when the mourners will weep at your funeral. Yes, remember your Creator now while you are young, before the silver cord of life snaps and the golden bowl is broken. Don't wait until the water jar is smashed at the spring and the pulley is broken at the well. For then the dust will return to the earth, and the spirit will return to God who gave it." (Ecclesiastes 12:1-7) NLT

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