Tuesday, March 28, 2017

"He's in Charge!"

"For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone." (Psalms 91:11-12)
It might not make sense now, but it will later. Have you heard that before? Sure you have, it's the answer for all those questions, Why did God allow this? or How could this happen? I have given up on trying to go in my own direction; that includes my own preferred routes in my travels, and in my own time tables. That does not mean I don't plan the trips that I set out on, because I do; but if there is a delay, or something happens and my route is diverted, then so be it, there must be a reason. It's like when your plane is somehow full, and then they inform you that you must take the next flight; don't fight it, don't have a fit, just be willing to ask, What do you have for me to do Lord? Who are you wanting me to share with? And if that doesn't work for you, then just say, Thank you Lord, for getting me on this next flight. I tend to think that God is watching out for us in every way; He's just that big and powerful. He's there in our trials, He's there in our failures; He's even there when we don't want Him to be there, like in those moments we regret. These verses might sound familiar, because they were the ones that Satan used when he tempted Jesus in the wilderness, when he told Jesus to cast Himself down off the highest peak of the Temple. And Jesus answered, "It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." I look at this as more than just testing God or seeing if God will protect us; it's more about challenging God to do something, even when we know He does not want it to happen. If we go ahead and do it, does that mean God is no longer in control? If that's what you think, then you have overlooked some basic principles of God's abilities , like, "beauty from ashes." Two very familiar instances come to mind; one is when Israel desired a king, and God warned them against it, but they wanted one anyway; the other is Jonah, who tried not to do what God wanted him to do, and he ended up dong it anyway. Both of those instances where entirely different in origin, but there outcomes were the same, they were controlled by God. That's what I mean about God being in every part of everything; whether it's His will or not, He will control the outcome; whether we like it or not, His will is going to be done...
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take." (Proverbs 3:5-6) NLT

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