Friday, March 17, 2017

"Turning Out"

"Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children." (Psalms 90:16)
Actually, I might call it commitment; a little like this blog, which sometimes seems like I'm beating the air, but I keep on doing it anyways. And do you know why I am so committed; it's because God keeps on showing up! That's all I need to do is ask Him, "Lord, surprise me today; let Your Holy Spirit move me and draw me closer and closer to Your heart." And guess what; He does! It's the same thing that happens caring for my wife; dying to yourself causes you to feel things that you would not otherwise feel, to see things that you would not otherwise see, and to know what real love feels like. This is what I feel God speaking into my heart about; because it's not just one day at a time, it's for every day that God gives you, no matter what! Looking at this verse, that's what I see, commitment! It's not about them anymore, it's about God's work and getting their children into the promised land. Really, if we were going to pray for something substantial to cause us to press forward, then catching the vision and having a purpose in making it happen, might just be enough to keep us in the game. I know you have heard this before, but sometimes the most important part of ministry is just showing up. It's all about making ourselves available, and then seeing what God will do in us and through us. It's all His doing that matters anyways! I mean, we can do work all day long, but if God's not in the midst of what you are doing, then it's not going to stand the test of fire. So it really is about His work, not ours; we are meant to be His servants, He does not serve us. But isn't that what we always seem to make it? 'Lord, help me do this', 'Lord, help me minister to this person.' You see my point? How about, 'Lord, what can I do to assist you in this?' Maybe, 'Lord, help me to get out of the way so you can be glorified!' If our fruit is going to stand the test of fire, then it's going to need to give the glory to God! Anything that gives glory to us is going to be burnt up, if it even makes it through the test of time. Besides that, what kind of a servant would want to take glory from his Master? Instead, we need to become less and less noticeable, and Jesus needs to be more and more visible in our lives...
"I have heard all about you, LORD. I am filled with awe by your amazing works. In this time of our deep need, help us again as you did in years gone by. And in your anger, remember your mercy. I see God moving across the deserts from Edom, the Holy One coming from Mount Paran. His brilliant splendor fills the heavens, and the earth is filled with his praise. His coming is as brilliant as the sunrise. Rays of light flash from his hands, where his awesome power is hidden. Pestilence marches before him; plague follows close behind. When he stops, the earth shakes. When he looks, the nations tremble. He shatters the everlasting mountains and levels the eternal hills. He is the Eternal One! I see the people of Cushan in distress, and the nation of Midian trembling in terror. Was it in anger, LORD, that you struck the rivers and parted the sea? Were you displeased with them? No, you were sending your chariots of salvation!" (Habakkuk 3:2-8) NLT

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