Sunday, January 31, 2016

"Flash in the Pan"

"Behold, these are the ungodly, who prosper in the world; they increase in riches." (Psalms 73:12) In case you might have stepped away, I still have not quit; and as odd as it might sound, those that want to try and figure out what I am up to, have stopped being so intrusive. I guess they have figured out that there is really nothing to see here; just some nut who is obsessed with his own blog. Some mornings I get a title stuck in my head, but before I use it, I type it into a search-engine to see what it produces; some of the results are really quite entertaining. Oh, and by the way, it is really all about me and my wife; whether you can believe it or not, I am still holding out for a miracle, and I have determined in my heart to keep on going to the very end. As for this verse, it is a really strange one; considering the next three verses, it would appear the writer has had some sort of revelation, and is all out of sorts because the ungodly prosper. Yes, it is hard not to notice, but if you really stop and think about what happens next, after the final dance, if you will, prosperity and riches have no value whatsoever. Sure, they can live high on the hog, enjoying every moment there is to try and live life to the fullest; but there really is nothing gained by living that way, nothing that matters at the time of their departure from this earth. I think of Jesus and how He was buried, He pretty much had nothing more than what He came with; even the tomb He was buried in was borrowed, just as the manger in which He was born. They wrapped in swaddling clothes when He was born, and wrapped Him in burial clothes when He was died; other than that, nothing else mattered, as far as material things where concerned. But after death! Wow, what a difference a little death might make! I heard something the other day that I tried to share, but it really did not seem to cause much of a reaction. The point was about how atoms really should not hold together, yet they are held together by some kind of a force; and, as pastor Mike said, that force which holds them together is Jesus. It is Jesus that holds everything in its place, from the smallest particle, to the biggest galaxy, He holds everything from coming apart. So, if that is the case, then what do you think happens when He lets go? (2 Peter 3:10) You know how He just appeared in the upper room; He was not a phantom or a spirit, as some might try to say that He was; He was just taking control of atoms, like He always has, and always will...
"Look here, you rich people: Weep and groan with anguish because of the terrible troubles ahead of you. Your wealth is rotting away, and your fine clothes are moth-eaten rags. Your gold and silver have become worthless. The very wealth you were counting on will eat away your flesh like fire. This treasure you have accumulated will stand as evidence against you on the day of judgment." (James 5:1-3) NLT  

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