Monday, January 25, 2016

"Best, By Far"

"Their eyes stand out with fatness: they have more than heart could wish." (Psalms 73:7) Obviously, I could have spent another day or more on "Stranglehold," but without getting to carried away, let's just move on and revisit that another day. At first glance you might think that there is a missing word or two in this verse, as if there should be something between "than" and "heart," like maybe 'their' or maybe 'man's.' But I believe that it has the soul in mind; the part of us that is the appetite of the heart, which is actually separate from the body, so it does not count as mine, it belongs to God. I think that we sometimes forget that, as if we are the owners of all that we are. No, it's all His property! He owns your soul and He has loaned you this body; the body will dissolve, but the soul goes back to Him. The first part of this verse is something that I think I can relate to, as I am one of those people who likes to buy the best of whatever I am buying; in other words, I am not satisfied with junk. If I buy a new TV, then it's going to be the best one that I can get; or if I buy a new car, then I find the best one that meets my needs. Don't ask me when that started, because I really can't remember. Growing up, we were lucky if we had anything. Most of what I had as a teenager was stuff that I had stolen, and even then, it was not enough, even if it was stuff that I did not use. That is pretty much what I get from this, is that of not being satisfied, even with the best and the most of everything you can get. There is a pretty good reason for that, and it has to do with our soul. None of this stuff, no matter how rich it might appear, or how glamorous it might make us appear, it does nothing to satisfy the desire of our soul; if anything, it just bogs down our soul with stuff, useless stuff at that. Really! Think about this, because the more stuff you get, the more stuff you must take care of; and the more stuff you must take care of, the less time you take care of yourself. The NLT has this verse written in a way that is a little different than what I see, but it brings it all down to earth. It says, "These fat cats have everything their hearts could ever wish for!" I am alright with that, but when I study the Bible I prefer the King James because it leaves so much more to be interpreted on our own; besides that, all of the tools available for interpretation are based upon the King James Version, and there are a lot of things that are left up in the air for people to figure out on their own. The first and most important thing to remember is that we can never be satisfied with anything of this world, ever! Only a right relationship with God can give us satisfaction! You can try all you want to fill that void with whatever you want, but it will still leave you wanting...
"Those who love money will never have enough. How meaningless to think wealth brings true happiness! The more you have, the more people come to help you spend it. So what good is wealth -except perhaps to watch it slip through your fingers!" (Ecclesiastes 5:10-11) NLT

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