Tuesday, January 19, 2016

"Man is Frail"

"But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well-nigh slipped." (Psalms 73:2) Possibly the hardest lesson we have to learn, is that we are weak, but need to be weaker still. I have spent most of my Christian life trying to get this down, but it is hard to be humble and meek; it is hard to stop trying to do in our own strength what only God can do. If you can try and picture what the writer is saying, it is simple, yes, but it is also very deep; deep enough to make us wonder where we might look for strength, in what we see, or in what we don't see. If I was a betting man, I would go for the seeing strength, any day of the week. Try and picture a man who is following God in a way that is ultra spiritual, where there is nothing else that he is focused upon but worshiping before God; literally, I mean worshiping in the Temple of God, where God is always present. It's hard to imagine what that might be like, but there might be a small chance that the man might feel a sense of privilege instead of servitude. It is really not to hard imagine what that might look like, because it had happened to a mighty angel, one who thought he could be like God. Not that we are talking about that degree of rebellion; that kind of rebellion requires great power. No, it's more alone the lines of feeling special and protected because of position, and really not paying attention to the world that is taking place outside of your spiritual bubble. And then imagine what could happen if you all of the sudden caught a glimpse of what you are missing; not just a peak, but a look that caused your heart to feel left out of something. By the way, my house literally just did what I was trying to illustrate; the water pressure became reversed, and was literally sucking all the water out of the house! If I had not opened the kitchen sink faucet, by water heater might have been drained. I kid you not! But that is what I am trying to describe; a man that catches sight of something that literally sucks the spiritual life right out of him. Having said all of that, we do have this happening in our lives all the time, we just might not realize how frequent it happens because it is on such a small scale; but it happens, none the less. I can't get into all the detail of what I am trying to say, except to refer to James 4:1-10 if you are interested in the details of the what and the why. The main point that I am trying to make is about where we get our strength; because if our strength comes from God, then to God we will look for strength. Our greatest problem stems from taking the strength we get from God and applying it to ourselves, as if God has given us His power to walk in our own strength. It's not going to happen! It's the basic principle behind Paul's letter to Ephesus; we must be seated in Christ before we can walk in Christ! The general idea is that of being a spiritual paraplegic, and Christ is your wheelchair...
"The LORD gives both death and life; He brings some down to the grave but raises others up. The LORD makes some poor and others rich; He brings some down and lifts others up. He lifts the poor from the dust and needy from the garbage dump. He sets them among princes, placing them in seats of honor. For all the earth is the LORD'S, and He has set the world in order. He will protect His faithful ones, but the wicked will disappear in darkness. No one will succeed by strength alone." (1 Samuel 2:6-9) NLT

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