Wednesday, December 28, 2022

"Monetary Heart"

 "This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein." (John 12:6 KJV)

  ""Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink - even if you have no money! Come, take you choice of wine or milk - it's all free! Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength? Why pay for food that does you no good? Listen to me, and you will eat what is good. You will enjoy the finest food."" (Isaiah 55:1-2 NLT)

 To be frank, if there is anything that stumbles me in this life, it is money and the wheels that go round and round! Everything revolves around money, or so it seems! Since I was a very small child, I have tried to make money; everything from selling mistletoe, mowing lawns, paper routes; stealing from the stores and selling the items that people ordered, as if I was Robin Hood. 

 By the time I was fourteen, I was into selling drugs; something I felt I was meant to do. It was that which took me into a whole new arena; one where you trust no one, and care only about yourself. As you should already know, that is what took me into the path of surrender. Being locked down, thinking I was good, but missing something I didn't even know that I needed.

 I even had a store when I was locked down; making on average at least $50 a week, by selling candy, cigarettes, and Folgers instant coffee. It was that store that I believe was my avenue to Jesus! As crazy as it might sound, but the facility I was at had a beautiful Church; but I refused to enter it, because I was not interested in established religion. 

 I believed in God, that there was a God, and I read my little Giedion's New Testament every day, every chance I could get; it was always with me, even at night, it was under my pillow. Then one Sunday, my wife came to visit me, and I gave her some money. Most men were hoping to get money from their wives, but I was giving my wife money; and I was spotted doing so! 

 It didn't take long, and I was jumped by would-be thieves, who really only got maybe only $10 from me. They probably should have robbed me before my visit, but none the less, they searched for more. Then they tried to take my Bible! Big mistake, I wasn't letting go of it and clinched it with both hands. Then one of them grabbed hold of my neck and I really thought it was over.

 I let go of the Bible, they rummaged through it, tossed it aside, and left. The ordeal was over, but not over as someone had reported the incident to the office, and then I was summoned to be looked at and interrogated. I would not tell them who they were, but just because I was summoned to the office, they figured it was best to send me to another facility. 

 This new facility had no church building and was filled with people who were in transport; meaning that they really weren't where they were going to go, or they were overflow from the main jail, only being held for a few days or so. Man-O-man, did I make a killing! All these guys not settled in, most of which had no way to get cigarettes or candy, let alone instant coffee.

 And then it happened! One Sunday morning, as I rested on my bunk, there was this voice speaking over the intercom, seemingly pleading right into my heart: "Come down and listen!" And I went...  

"Save me, O God, for the floodwaters are up to my neck. Deeper and deeper I sink into the mire; I can't find a foothold. I am in deep water, and the floods overwhelm me." (Psalm 69:1-2 NLT)

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