Saturday, December 31, 2022

"The Message!"

 "Much people of the Jews therefore knew that he was there: and they came not for Jesus' sake only, but that they might see Lazarus also, whom he had raised from the dead." (John 12:9 KJV) 

  "Human defiance only enhances your glory, for you use it as a weapon." (Psalm 76:10 NLT)

 As we are coming to the end of another year, it is always my heart's passion to look back on some of the things I should have done better, while looking forward to the things that I hope to do in the new year. The first thing on my agenda is to make some alterations to the bedroom in the Motorhome as my strength is really not what it used to be. 

 Just a few minor changes, like a lift system on a track across the ceiling, replacing the stationary bed with an adjustable bed, and moving the suction station from being mounted to the outside of the wardrobe closet, to the inside of the cabinet, so as to not be close to Marianne's head when the bed is raised up. Just a few little changes, but much needed, to say the least. 

 I believe that God has been leading me to do something since September of 2010, but I have neglected to do it, because I felt obligated to keep my business going, for as long as God would have me do so. It appears, as of late, He is telling me to go! I have asked several Pastor friends of mine to join me, but it wasn't really that exciting to any of them, so I think I must go on my own.

 My wife is on a Medi-Cal Waiver program, so my thought is to travel around the country for three weeks, and then spend one week at home; that way she won't lose her benefits. I believe that God has told me to be a champion for companionship to my generation. They say, 600,000 of us a year will be retiring for the next ten years, so what better way to minister to them, then out on the road. 

 Maybe it doesn't seem like such a big deal, but my situation is one that shows pretty much the worse side of the sickness side of the wedding vows. We must not abandon our spouse when they need us the most! Unlike some would have it, a lack of companionship is more than a state of mind, it is a passion of the heart! 

 Anything that is bad, God can make something good come from it, just you watch! Don't look at the terrible things that might be happening, thinking about how the world is getting worse; instead, look at the good that God is doing in the church! More people on focusing on prayer, reading their Bibles, and sharing about what God is doing in their lives. 

 The most important thing in this world is the condition of the church! Be about the Father's business...

"Then those who feared the LORD spoke with each other, and the LORD listened to what they said. In his presence, a scroll of remembrance was written to record the names of those who feared him and always thought about the honor of his name." (Malachi 3:16 NLT) 


Friday, December 30, 2022

"Kingdom of Grace"

 "For the poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not always." (John 12:8 KJV)

  "I opened to my lover, but he was gone! My heart sank. I searched for him but could not find him anywhere. I called to him, but there was no reply." (Song Of Songs 5:6 NLT)

 Have you ever felt as though you have offended the Holy Spirit? If you haven't, then I would question the relationship that you might have, as to the sincerity of it, and whether or not you have a compassionate heart. Something I have learned over the years, that the Holy Spirit is a Gentleman and does not force you to do anything. If you refuse to obey Him, He leaves you alone! 

 Anywho! I understand what this implies, as many of us should. Everything we do in this life, whether it is of a physical nature or a spiritual one, it should always display grace! If you don't know what that means, it is the opposite of mercy, in that, we demonstrate compassion to others by grace, more than by mercy. 

 I you had a friend that was a judge, and you went before him to be sentenced, he might have to still be a judge, as he should, and give you the sentence that you deserve. But after he has sentenced you, and you have been given the sentence you deserve, as you friend, he takes the sentence for you, and you are free to go. That is what grace looks like: Giving you something that you do not deserve! 

 Because God is Holy and Just, He cannot just give us mercy, because justice must prevail. He first had to prepare the way for the sins we have committed to be forgiven, and then mercy could be granted, only once that the punishment for the sin was satisfied. Grace was established first, then mercy could be given because the debt had been paid. 

 I know many of you have heard this all before, but those that believed in Jesus as their Savior before He came had grace placed on a credit card, which was to be paid off in the future. But those of us now, after Jesus came, as believers now, grace is placed on a debit card, where the funds are stored up, that we can use them like real money that is already in our account.  

 It might sound weird, but it works! But how is this even relevant to this message? Well, it's like a pay-it-forward type of illustration, where we are obligated to reciprocate God's grace by responding to the work of His Spirit. We must accept God's grace in order to live out grace in our own lives!

 It is really quite simple, really! The Holy Spirit is there to pour out grace, allowing us to have and be the type of person that we cannot be on our own...

"(Young Women of Jerusalem) Where has your lover gone, O woman of rare beauty? Which way did he turn so we can help you find him? (Young Woman) My lover has gone down to his garden, to his spice beds, to browse in the gardens and gather the lilies. I am my lover's, and my lover is mine. He browses among the lilies." (Song Of Songs 6:1-3 NLT) 

Thursday, December 29, 2022

"Far More Exceeding"

 "Then said Jesus, Let her alone: against the day of my burying hath she kept this." (John 12:7 KJV)

  "Help me, O LORD my God! Save me because of your unfailing love. Let them see that this is your doing, that you yourself have done it LORD. Then let them curse me if they like, but you will bless me! When they attack me, they will be disgraced! But, I your servant, will go right on rejoicing! (Psalm 109:26-28 NLT)

 As I previously mentioned, rather briefly, there is a circular journey that I have dealt with, longer than I care to think about, with correction, then anticipation, and then, God's leading. Seemingly, it goes very well, and my balance is steady, with minor glitches from time to time; but then I almost always seem to establish a pattern of independence, almost as if I have a partnership with God, instead of being His obedient servant.

 I really don't know how else that I can put it, but that is the way I see things falling apart, again and again! Yes, we have the mind of Christ, to a certain degree; but we can still only see a very small piece of this amazingly complex puzzle. When God says, "My thoughts are not your thoughts, and my ways are not your ways," He is talking to us, His children! We can only imagine knowing what He is thinking; because if we really knew what might be waiting ahead, we might not choose to go! 

 Now, about this ointment: Jesus does not state how long see has been saving this ointment, but only that she had been saving it up for His burying. She would have had to be saving it for several years, adding a little at a time into that jar. She also probably didn't even know what it was that she was actually saving it for; maybe, she was just obsessed with that ointment, and just kept holding onto it, as if it would one day be worth quite a lot of money.

 Regardless of why or what she wanted it for, it was meant for this particular hour! She had must likely heard Jesus say, or heard someone repeat what He said, about being killed, buried, and then rising again, and she knew exactly why, right then, the time to use that ointment had come! For such a time as this! 

 Here is the deal, no matter what state of mind you are in, or where in your journey you might think you are right now: When God has started a work in you, He will complete it, one way or another! There is always the easy way, and then there is the hard way; but, which other way, God will always find a way! As soon as we think we have figured out His way, we think we can somehow control what it is He is doing, as if we know what He wants us to do next. That is a really bad idea, and it doesn't work! 

 If you don't think I know what I am talking about, then keep doing what you are doing, and see how that works out for you. I think I have figured out one thing, for sure: prayerfully and patiently do what you do! Don't think you have God's plan for you figured out! He might lead in one direction, just to get you to move into another, more exciting direction! 

 Listen carefully to what the Holy Spirit says, and don't think you understand it! Nine times out of ten, we have no clue what is going to happen, so don't try to make anything happen, just do want you are told to do, and then enjoy the ride...

"If you are wise and understand God's ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you are bitterly jealous and there is selfish ambition in your heart, don't cover up the truth with boasting and lying. For jealousy and selfishness are not God's kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic. For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind." (James 3:13-16 NLT) 

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

"Monetary Heart"

 "This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein." (John 12:6 KJV)

  ""Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink - even if you have no money! Come, take you choice of wine or milk - it's all free! Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength? Why pay for food that does you no good? Listen to me, and you will eat what is good. You will enjoy the finest food."" (Isaiah 55:1-2 NLT)

 To be frank, if there is anything that stumbles me in this life, it is money and the wheels that go round and round! Everything revolves around money, or so it seems! Since I was a very small child, I have tried to make money; everything from selling mistletoe, mowing lawns, paper routes; stealing from the stores and selling the items that people ordered, as if I was Robin Hood. 

 By the time I was fourteen, I was into selling drugs; something I felt I was meant to do. It was that which took me into a whole new arena; one where you trust no one, and care only about yourself. As you should already know, that is what took me into the path of surrender. Being locked down, thinking I was good, but missing something I didn't even know that I needed.

 I even had a store when I was locked down; making on average at least $50 a week, by selling candy, cigarettes, and Folgers instant coffee. It was that store that I believe was my avenue to Jesus! As crazy as it might sound, but the facility I was at had a beautiful Church; but I refused to enter it, because I was not interested in established religion. 

 I believed in God, that there was a God, and I read my little Giedion's New Testament every day, every chance I could get; it was always with me, even at night, it was under my pillow. Then one Sunday, my wife came to visit me, and I gave her some money. Most men were hoping to get money from their wives, but I was giving my wife money; and I was spotted doing so! 

 It didn't take long, and I was jumped by would-be thieves, who really only got maybe only $10 from me. They probably should have robbed me before my visit, but none the less, they searched for more. Then they tried to take my Bible! Big mistake, I wasn't letting go of it and clinched it with both hands. Then one of them grabbed hold of my neck and I really thought it was over.

 I let go of the Bible, they rummaged through it, tossed it aside, and left. The ordeal was over, but not over as someone had reported the incident to the office, and then I was summoned to be looked at and interrogated. I would not tell them who they were, but just because I was summoned to the office, they figured it was best to send me to another facility. 

 This new facility had no church building and was filled with people who were in transport; meaning that they really weren't where they were going to go, or they were overflow from the main jail, only being held for a few days or so. Man-O-man, did I make a killing! All these guys not settled in, most of which had no way to get cigarettes or candy, let alone instant coffee.

 And then it happened! One Sunday morning, as I rested on my bunk, there was this voice speaking over the intercom, seemingly pleading right into my heart: "Come down and listen!" And I went...  

"Save me, O God, for the floodwaters are up to my neck. Deeper and deeper I sink into the mire; I can't find a foothold. I am in deep water, and the floods overwhelm me." (Psalm 69:1-2 NLT)

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

"Momentary View"

"Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor?" (John 12:5 KJV)

  "The LORD of Heaven's Armies says to the priests: "A son honors his father, and a servant respects his master, where is the honor and respect I deserve? You have shown contempt for my name! "But you ask, 'How have we ever shown contempt for your name?' "You have shown contempt by offering defiled sacrifices on the altar. "Then you ask, 'How have we defiled the sacrifices?' "You defile them by saying the altar of the LORD deserves no respect. When you give blind animals as sacrifices, isn't wrong? And isn't wrong to offer animals that are crippled and diseased? Try giving gifts like that to your governor, and see how pleased he is!" says the LORD of Heavens Armies." (Malachi 1:6-8 NLT)

 It's one thing to think God doesn't see what you are doing; but it's totally something else, to think God sees you, but cannot figure out what you do, and why you do it! God demands a little respect, but how often does it happen that we do not respect Him? I am guilty of trespassing more often than I would care to mention; but iniquity, whether we know it or not, is to plan and study a way to sin against God. 

 This is pretty much the attitude of someone with a momentary view; living for the moment, as if the future doesn't matter at all, only what happening now, only what pleasure is lived out now, the future doesn't matter more than this, right now! I know what that is like, as many of us surely do. Having lived my teenage years thinking I wouldn't live to reach thirty, I spent at least a decade of my life living as if I needed to get it all out, while I had the chance.

 When I became a child of God, all that changed, the clock was reset to eternity! Now I have an eternal view, one that is based upon the things we cannot see but are yet to come! Does that mean I no longer care about this temporary existence? I wish I could sort though some of that; but it seems that there are cycles we just fall into. 

 Call it life, call it sin, call it what you want; I am pretty sure it is just the fact that we are human...

"Live happily with the woman you love through all the meaningless days of life that God has given you under the sun. The wife God gives you is your reward for all your earthly toil. Whatever you do, do well. For when you go to the grave, there will be no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom." (Ecclesiastes 9:9-10 NLT) 

Monday, December 26, 2022

"The Other Guy"

 "Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, which should betray him," (John 12:4 KJV)

  "Then I observed that most people are motivated to success because they envy their neighbors. But this, too, is meaningless - like casing the wind." (Ecclesiastes 4:4 NLT) 

 This is really a verse that needs to be seen by itself, as it pinpoints the motivation of the heart towards Jesus, even though Jesus still loved and cared for this guy! Like the Drummer Boy, which was a made-up character, from the 40's, Mary was not looking for a reward in what she did for Jesus; she did it out of love for Him, because she felt it had to be done, no matter the cost or the embarrassment. 

 The other guy, who was more than likely self-centered, envious of others, and looking for rewards, at the expense of others, he had position, and was very proud about it. Not that being proud of position can always be bad; it just depends on that person's motivation for being proud: are they proud about the position they have, or are they proud to be serving who they are under? 

 One is the attitude of, 'What's in this for me?' While the other is focused on, 'How can I please the one who I am under?' Totally and completely different set of standards, from beginning to end, of every task and every situation! If you could only see and observe the heart, as God does, people are not always what they seem to be. 

 As to this verse from Solomon's, The Preacher, this is an observation of people, which I am mostly in favor of the fact that Solomon was the kind of person that observed people. Therefore, as king, he had the great honor of having many servants, as well as too many wives; so, he had abundant opportunities to just sit and study the manor and reactions of those that were under him. 

 Much like his great-great-grandfather, who studied the young girl from Moab...

"Then Boaz asked his foreman, "Who is that young woman over there? Who does she belong to?" And the foreman replied, "She is the young woman from Moab who came back with Naomi. She asked me this morning if she could gather grain behind the harvesters. She has been hard at work ever since, except for a few minutes' rest in the shelter."" (Ruth 2:5-7 NLT) 

Sunday, December 25, 2022

"The Little Drummer Boy"

 "Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment." (John 12:3 KJV)

  "You have captured my heart, my treasure, my bride. You hold it hostage with one glance of your eyes, with a single jewel of your necklace. Your love delights me, my treasure, my bride. Your love is better than wine, your perfume more fragrant than spices." (Song of Songs 4:9-10 NLT)

 Just so you know, this song, "The Little Drummer Boy," tore me up last Saturday at Pathway. I wanted to try and hide, but there was really no way to escape, and I felt as though I was tied to my chair, weeping as if I had torn my soul apart and my heart was broken to pieces.

 That might sound a little extreme, but this song has been my favorite Christmas song, since I heard it in the movie released in 1968. I was ten, a little confused about who Jesus was, and was having serious doubts about the religion my family was in. We did not have a Christmas that year, because the J.W. religion does not celebrate, pretty much anything. I wanted to join the Boy Scouts that year, but was told that I could not, because the flag would be on my uniform, and because the Boy Scouts honor the flag.

 We were allowed to watch the Christmas specials, and this one, "The Little Drummer Boy," really spoke to my heart! There was something missing in our religion, because they also did not celebrate Jesus! To them, Jesus was not God, therefore, it was not such a big deal that He came here and did what He did. Having seen the missing parts, I guess I just remembered something extra-ordinary about the fact that worship is extremely important, especially when you are worshipping Jesus!

 This act that was performed by Mary, really didn't need to be done; but it had to be done, because Mary wanted to anoint Jesus! Her heart was obviously broken, having heard Him say what would happen, and how He would die; so, this was the best thing she could do, nothing else really would have mattered. 

 Sometimes, even little things that we do for the Lord, can become very big things in the Kingdom of God; most of which, we will not even know about, until we see everything in Heaven. By the way, according to my calculations, the Father is the one that will pull the switch, as the Son is waiting for the Father to say, "Go get your Bride!" What is the Father waiting for? It could be you...

"You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very different times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!" (2 Timothy 3:1-5 NLT) 


Saturday, December 24, 2022

"Make Ready!"

"There they made him a supper; and Martha served: but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him." (John 12:2 KJV)

  "Meanwhile, the disciples were urging Jesus, "Rabbi, eat something." But Jesus replied, "I have a kind of food you know nothing about." "Did someone bring him food while we were gone?" the disciples asked each other." (John 4:31-33 NLT)

 Alrighty then, I will try my very best to do this, but it won't be me, by myself. There are basically three things that need to happen, as there are three things taking place above; just as there were three things that needed to happen with the closing verse from yesterday: "Stand, take up your mat, and walk!" 

 The first thing that needs to be understood, is that Jesus came here to reconcile mankind back to God! It was the reason for Him to be sent, as a baby no doubt, to live among us, as a man, for thirty-years; to be The Teacher, The Healer, The Master, The Revealer, for three-and-a-half years: and then, The Lamb of God, sacrificed, to take away the sins of the world! It was all for reconciling us to the Father! 

 We can pretend to be whatever we want, but truth be told, we are sinners that have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. Yes, in heaven, we are saints and spotless, totally and utterly justified before God; but here, we are what we are, sinners that have been, and continually are being, sanctified by the blood of our Lord, Christ Jesus. Who, by the way, is coming soon to take us home! 

 When that takes place, and only then, we will be glorified, just as He is, we shall be also: One with God! That might be a hard pill to swallow, but that is that which is to come, so we live now in harmony, hopefully, with one another, longing for that to be the end result of our journey.

 In the meantime, we wait, but not wait! Have you ever read, "Sit, Walk, Stand," which is book by Watchmen Nee regarding the Book of Ephesians? Well, it is a little like that, as we are called, whether you know it or not, into a glorious tapestry of God's wonderful plan of Redemption. 

 Whatever you were, you are, but you are now transformed into something that now works for God! If you were a thief, you are now a thief for God, but what you are stealing are lost souls from Satan! That is just a little illustration and was not meant to explain everything and everyone. But I think you get the point.

 When Jesus healed that man with the mat, his mat was something that he previously depended upon for comfort; yet, Jesus had him use it for the Kingdom of God. The woman at the well, she was fooling around with men; but Jesus used her influence with men for the Kingdom of God! Paul hunted down Christians, but Jesus used his zeal and passion for the Kingdom of God! 

 If you still can't see it, Jesus is hungry for the lost; it is what satisfies His hunger most of all, when those that are dead in sin get born again! Now see this: "Then they made him a supper; and Martha served: but Lazarus, (the one that was dead,) was one of them that sat at the table with him." 

 Okay, so maybe I am a little weird, but that's what I have always been! When I was a baby, I used the brown substance in my diaper to paint a tapestry on the wall. My mother used that, bragging about me, that had always been an artist, since I was a baby. A leopard may not change their spots, but God can surely change the color of those spots...

"Then Jesus explained: "My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work. You know the saying, 'Four months between planting and harvest.' But I say, Wake up and look around, The fields are already ripe for harvest. The harvesters are paid good wages, and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life. What joy awaits both the planter and the harvester alike! You know the saying, 'One plants and another harvests.' And it's true. I sent you to harvest where you didn't plant; others had already done the work, and now you get to gather the harvest."" (John 4:34-38 NLT)   

Friday, December 23, 2022

"Make Ready!"

 "There they made him a supper; and Martha served: but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him." (John 12:2 KJV)

  "Listen! It's the voice of someone shouting, "Clear the way through the wilderness for the LORD! Make a straight highway through the wasteland for our God! Fill in the valleys, and level the mountains and hills. Straighten the curves, and smooth out the rough places. Then the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all the people will see it together. The LORD has spoken!"" (Isaiah 40:3-5 NLT)

 Anything else you would like to talk about, other than this? Jesus is in the house! I know, it's not really the ideal Christmas subject, but it should be the real subject on the hearts and minds of all those that believe in Him, and the testimony of everything that He is about! 

 There is something here that I feel I am missing, and I just can't put my finger on it, quite yet. Have you ever had that experience, where you think you have something the God is trying to show you, but there is a part of it that you quite don't clearly see. 

 One night I was staying at a friend's house, as we were all going down to Modesto in the morning for a Calvary Chapel Men's Conference. As I laid in bed, I was meditating on the Psalm I would share about in the morning, and then, I had this vision of an ax-head floating up out of the water.

 I quickly grabbed a cigar, went downstairs, asking Tim as I was headed out the door for a walk, "Hey brother, why did Elisha make that ax-head float?" Tim, who was working on his Sunday message, replied, "To make the ax-head float!" "Okay," I said, "I am going for a walk. Please leave the door unlocked." 

 If you read my message, as weird as it might have been, that Saturday's post was geared towards something totally different from that which God was really showing me. As I sat through the conference all Saturday, by the end of the day, I saw something totally and completely different.

 That said, it was the first message, based mostly on humility and forgiveness, that opened the door to the second message, which was based entirely on the saving power of Jesus Christ, and the freedom involved in receiving that wonderful Gift! Just reach out and grab it! (2 Kings 6:1-7) 

 Something here to see, but there may be some things that are in the way...

"Jesus told him, "Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk!"" (John 5:8 NLT)  

Thursday, December 22, 2022

"House of Affliction; House of Dates"

 "Then Jesus six days before the passover came to Bethany, where Lazarus was which had been dead, whom he raised from the dead." (John 12:1 KJV)

  ""For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with great compassion I will take you back. In a burst of anger I turned face away for a little while. But with everlasting love I will have compassion on you," says the LORD, your Redeemer." (Isaiah 54:7-8 NLT)

 If you are wondering about this title, these are the two meanings for "Bethany" the town to which Jesus went. Actually, there are two Bethany's, this one with Lazarus lived, and the other along the Jordan where John the Baptist was baptizing. The one where Lazarus lived was now well known, as the place where Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. 

 John points out that this was six days before Passover, as it was a countdown to a very special date. Here is just a thought, if you want to try to make something of this date, that man was created by God on the sixth day. Not that it has much mystery in it, but Jesus, the Son of Man, was beginning to prepare for a very special event; one that would cause great affliction!

 I know, I can really step outside the box sometimes; but be that as it may, this was a chance for Jesus to bid His friend's farewell and to prepare Himself for what happens on that special day. As Matthew Henry puts it: "Devout men set time apart before, to prepare themselves for that solemnity, and thus it became our Lord Jesus to fulfil all righteousness. Thus he has set us an example of solemn self-sequestration, before the solemnities of the gospel passover; let us hear the voice crying, Prepare ye the way of the Lord."

 And exactly what was that way? As previously stated, Jesus had no worries about being taken before His time, as the time had already been appointed. And even then, when that time shall come, which was obviously quickly approaching, He would still have no worries about being captured, because it will be His time to surrender and allow it all to be, just as it was meant to be. 

 I was listening to Dr. Chuck yesterday, as he was trying to illustrate something that is hard to explain but easy to understand, how the Bible is a lot like a hologram. One manner in which it is likened, is that without the light, the image is not all that interesting: but with the light, it becomes amazingly beautiful.

 Interestingly, Jesus is within the Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation, obscure and hidden within the text; but with the Light, He becomes visible, amazingly and beautiful! Also, Isaiah says in 53:2, "There was nothing beautiful or majestic about his appearance," but once we are born again, He is magnificent and magnanimous! 

 Another thing he mentioned was about the Truth, as the Bible is written in a way, that the Truth is spread throughout the Book; as with the hologram, you can remove part of the image, but it will still have the complete picture. So too, you can take away some of the Bible, but message of the Gospel will still be whole.

 Don't you just love it... 

"When we tell you these things, we do not use words that come from human wisdom. Instead, we speak words given to us by the Spirit, using the Spirit's words to explain spiritual truths. But people who aren't spiritual can't receive these truths from God's Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can't understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means. Those who are spiritual can evaluate all things, but they themselves cannot be evaluated by others. For, "Who can know the LORD'S thoughts? Who knows enough to teach him?" But we understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ." (1 Corinthians 2:13-16 NLT)

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

"Jesus Anointed at Bethany"

  "Six days before the Passover celebration began, Jesus arrived in Bethany, the home of Lazarus - the man he had raised from the dead. A dinner was prepared in Jesus' honor. Martha served, and Lazarus was among those who ate with him. Then Mary took a twelve-ounce jar of expensive perfume made from essence of nard, and she anointed Jesus' feet with it, wiping his feet with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance. 

 But Judas Iscariot, the disciple who would soon betray him, said, "That perfume was worth a year's wages. It should have been sold and the money given to the poor." Not that he cared for the poor - he was a thief, and since he was in charge of the disciples' money, he often stole some for himself. 

 Jesus replied, "Leave her alone. She did this in preparation for my burial. You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me." 

 When all the people heard of Jesus' arrival, they flocked to see him and also to see Lazarus, the man Jesus had raised from the dead. Then the leading priests decided to kill Lazarus, too, for it was because of him that many of the people had deserted them and believed in Jesus." (John 12:1-11 NLT)

  "Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do." (Psalm 1:1-3 NLT) 

 Just so you know, this is going to be the Christmas message. Do not ask me how, because at this point in the journey, I really have no idea, except that is just the way that it works! Besides that, God has a way of putting everything into a perfect perspective, in one way or another.

 I can recall when I was teaching at my previous church, and as the time and place would have it, I had the opportunity to share from Genesis 27, as that was where we were on that particular Sunday. That is way I love Calvary Chapel so much, because you aren't led by your feelings, but by the Word of God! 

 Anywho; this particular story was about when Jacob obtains Isaac's blessing that was meant for Esau. As I was preparing for the message, I felt the Lord tugging on my heart, showing me something that was hard to explain, but easy to understand, as I was going to use Jacob's resistance to believe that his mother's plan was going to work.

 Not that it matters all that much, because it did work, and Jocob received the blessing. Besides that, Jacob's name means, "Heal Catcher," which in and of itself, is the point of the Gospel Message. We are only able to make it into the Kingdom of God, by catching hold of heal of Jesus! I know that might sound weird, but Jacob was also a swindler, which is also what his name implied.  

 Without explaining all that the message included, let me conclude with this one statement: I you think that you are good enough to enter into God's Kingdom, you will not enter in...

"And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins; wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of the world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lust of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) and hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: that in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. For by grace are ye saved through faith; and not of yourselves: it is the gift of God; not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." (Ephesians 1:1-10 KJV)  


Tuesday, December 20, 2022

"But, Moreover!"

 "Now both the chief priests and the Pharisees had given a commandment, that, if any man knew where he were, he should shew it, that they might take him." (John 11:57 KJV)

  "This is what the LORD says: "Your injury is incurable - a terrible wound. There is no one to help you or to bind up your injury. No medicine can heal you. All your lovers - your allies - have left you and do not care about you anymore. I have wounded you cruelly, as though I were your enemy. For your sins are many, and your guilt is great. Why do you protest your punishment - this wound that has no cure? I have had to punish you because your sins are many and your guilt is great."" (Jeremiah 30:12-15 NLT)

 To what do we owe this honor? Having been serving God, superficially, these men of God have given their command, that the Son of God be shown, so that He might be apprehended! Just imagine what this actually looks like, from a laymen's point of view. If you were serving under these men, wouldn't you be a little concerned or astounded by such a command? 

 By the way, doesn't this seem rather interesting how this actually looks? Since when does the priests and Pharisees, those that teach and regulate the law, have the right to apprehend anyone? I mean, they apparently believe that they have all the power that they want, but in reality, they really are meant to be servants and teachers, not police and executioners. 

 I am pretty sure that is why John has pointed this out, especially in the context by which he has shown it. That word, 'now,' is a world that represents the title above, 'but, moreover,' which basically means, that these men have stepped it up a notch, and have cross a line that they cannot turn back away from. They have now included those outside of the Council, their inner circle, and now they will need to justify, however possible, the motivation of their commands. 

 This passage from Jeremiah is just something that caught my attention, because it matches this little situation so perfectly and correct. The whole point of God's, 'terrible wound,' is that it is self-inflicted; that means that it is a wound that was brought on by themselves, by their own wrongdoing and their sin; sins that are so great, that the guilt cannot be quenched! 

 How exactly does God wound anyone so cruelly, as if He were their enemy? First of all, there is nothing here, physically, that can fix or heal being separated from God! You would think by now that there would be a consensus on that fact and spiritual leaders would quit trying to tell people the steps to be healed. There is only one way to be reunited with God, and it is not found any other way but Jesus! 

 If Jesus is your enemy, you are terribly wounded...

"The people of Israel feed on the wind; they chase after the east wind all day long. They pile up lies and violence; they are making an alliance with Assyria while sending olive oil to buy support from Egypt. Now the LORD is bringing charges against Judah. He is about punish Jacob for all his deceitful ways, and pay him back for all he has done. Even in the womb, Jacob struggled with his brother; when he became a man, he even fought with God. Yes, he wrestled with the angel and won. He wept and pleaded for a blessing from him. There at Bethel he met God face to face, and God spoke to him - the LORD God of Heaven's Armies, the LORD is his name! So now, come back to your God. Act with love and justice, and always depend on him." (Hosea 12:1-6 NLT) 

Monday, December 19, 2022

"What It Be Like?"

 "Then sought they for Jesus, and spake among themselves, as they stood in the temple, What think ye, that he will not come to the feast?" (John 11:56 KJV) 

""The day will come, says the LORD, when I will do for Israel and Judah all the good things I have promised them. In those days and at that time I will raise up a righteous descendant from King David's line. He will do what is just and right throughout the land. In that day Judah will be saved, and Jerusalem will live in safety. And this will be its name: 'The LORD Is Our Righteousness.'"" (Jeremiah 33:14-16 NLT)

 There is two ways we can look at this, asking ourselves who it is that might be wondering, whether or not Jesus will be coming to the feast. Since John was speaking in the last verse about those that had come from other areas for purification, they might have also come to see this Jesus, whom they had heard so much about. These would be those that were looking to see if Jesus would come to perform miracles or give a special teaching.

 The other, which is most likely, were those that plotted to have Jesus killed, as they were really curious about whether or not He might show up, out of obligation, so that they might lay hands on Him! Basically, the answer is written in the question, because those who were looking to take Him, would be the ones who wonder if He would not show up, hoping that He would, just so they could lay hands on Him.

 Maybe it's just me, but if I were the one of those that might want to see Jesus, having no clue that the Leaders of the Temple were after Him, I would anticipate Him being there, hoping He would come. This question is geared towards the chasers, thinking about where He might be, other than the feast. 

 But really, it is all about your own personal view of the human heart! Who can know it? Only God knows the heart of anyone, whether they are having good intentions or bad. God really doesn't need for us to sin, to know that we have sinned; He known all along what we will or would not do! Yet He still loves us! 

 As Pastor Nathan shared and taught on God's love, one of the Five Languages of Love he spoke about, was, 'Words of Affirmation,' which really spoke to my heart, as he used the examples Jesus gave regarding the lost coin, sheep, and son. It reminded me, that it was God that found me! 

 If you don't understand how that might be possible, seeing that God knows all things, even where it is that I was hiding; it is all about the place and the time, as He knew exactly where to find me, when I was most likely to say, "Yes!", to His invitation...

"All praise be to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ. Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure. So we praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son. He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding." (Ephesians 1:3-8 NLT)   

Sunday, December 18, 2022

"The Preparation"

 "And the Jews' passover was nigh at hand: and many went out of the country up to Jerusalem before the passover, to purify themselves." (John 11:55 KJV) 

  "O my people, listen to my instructions. Open your ears to what I am saying, for I speak to you in a parable. I will teach you hidden lessons from our past - stories our ancestors handed down to us. We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the LORD, about his power and his mighty wonders." (Psalm 78:1-4 NLT)

 Have you ever had a very special event that you were both excited about, but at the same time, you were almost dreading for it to happen? Well, here is something that might not be a surprise to some, but Jesus looked forward to this day, but now that it was upon Him, the reality of being a sacrificial Lamb, is really started to manifest itself, that it will soon happen. 

 True, the Son of God knows the power and the might that will become of this; but the Son of Man is being made to face the weakness and hurt that will be required of Him. I cannot begin to imagine what this was like, because Jesus had the power to do anything He might want to do; but He chose weakness in order to accept the hurt! 

 I hope you somewhat understood what I said: He accepted the pain and the hurt, even though He had the power to reject it or make it go away! We really could never understand what that might be like, because none of us have the ability to do what Jesus could do but chose not to do.

 As for this purification ritual, this was to prepare themselves for Passover. If you are familiar with the story, the preparation of Passover originally required the sacrificial lamb, the blood of that lamb to be sprinkled upon the door posts, the lamb to be prepared to eat, and the household fully dressed and standing around the table, prepared to move. 

 I know it might be a stretch, but this was mostly about preparing to meet with God; therefore, you are ready for what might happen, because you expect to be changed! I really hope that is what we expect when we come together to celebrate what Jesus has done, because that is what is meant to happen...

""When the people return to their homeland, they will remove every trace of their vile images and detestable idols. And I will give them singleness of heart and put a new spirit within them. I will take away their stony, stubborn heart and give then a tender, responsive heart, so they will obey my decrees and regulations. Then they will truly be my people, and I will be their God."" (Ezekiel 11:18-20 NLT)

Saturday, December 17, 2022

"Just a Little Break" - Too

 "Jesus therefore walked no more openly among the Jews; but went thence unto a country near to the wilderness, into a city called Ephraim, and there continued with his disciples." (John 11:54 KJV) 

  "My servant grew up in the LORD'S presence like a tender green shoot, like a root in dry ground. There was nothing beautiful or majestic about his appearance, nothing to attract us to him. He was despised and rejected - a man or sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. We turned our back on him and looked the other way. He was despised, and we did not care." (Isaiah 53:2-3 NLT)

 Having a little time to think about this, I am pretty sure Jesus was not fearful of what anyone might do to Him; but, if anything, He might have been fearful what He might do to them. Many think this place He went to was close to Bethlehem, the place of His birth. It was the place in which He was the most vulnerable, being just a little baby, lying in a crib.  

 One thing is for sure, His time was coming soon, but it was not yet time; therefore, He really had nothing to fear from man! He had known for a long-time what fate He would suffer and when; the day and hour of His death had been written down, recorded from before the earth was even created. Therefore, there was nothing that was going to be changing that specific hour.

 I have heard it said, the place where Abraham was going to sacrifice his son, Isaac, was the same place where Jesus was crucified on the cross. Also, that the threshing-floor where David bought it and offered sacrifice, it too was the same place where Christ would be crucified and where Abraham brought his son to be sacrificed. 

 Not sure what else to say, except this was a very special place! Everything that God does or allows to happen, it is all working towards His plan and purposes; nothing can change what God is going to make happen, absolutely nothing! 

 On a simpler note, a lot of what I might plan simply falls apart. My plans don't work, if they are not ordained by God and in line with His will. I wish that were something that I would remember to place first, instead of at the end of every plan I make; things would sure work out a whole lot better.

 That said, if there is one thing, I have learned from all of my mistakes, is that God turns our mistakes into opportunities for Him to make something good, for His will and purposes. It might not turn out so well for us, at least not in this lifetime; but the reward for all of that will be revealed in heaven.

 My best wish and hope, is that I will be there to see it...

"Moses was certainly faithful in God's house as a servant. His work was an illustration of the truths God would reveal later. But Christ, as the Son, is in charge of God's entire house. And we are God's house, if we keep our courage and remain confident in our hope in Christ. That is why the Holy Spirit says, "Today when you hear his voice, don't harden your hearts as Israel did when they tested me in the wilderness. There your ancestors tested and tried my patience, even though they saw my miracles for forty years. So I was angry with them, and I said, 'Their hearts always turn away from me. They refuse to do what I tell them.' So in my anger I took an oath: 'They will never enter my place of rest.'"" (Hebrews 3:5-11 NLT)  

Friday, December 16, 2022

"Just a Little Break"

 "Jesus therefore walked no more openly among the Jews; but went thence unto a country near the wilderness, into a city called Ephraim, and there continued with his disciples." (John 11:54 KJV)

  "But Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law. When he hung on the cross, he took upon himself the curse for our wrongdoing. For it is written in the Scriptures, "Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree."" (Galatians 3:13 NLT)

 I don't know about you, but I personally think that Jesus was feeling a little discouragement and just wanted to get away for a while, to charge His batteries and have a little sanity around Him. That's what I would do in His situation, just find a place to be left alone! 

 That is pretty much what I feel right now, but if I left, things probably wouldn't still be the same when I returned; and that's putting it mildly. Sometimes we just need to 'Put on our big-boy pants' and stay calm; stop worrying about things we cannot control, and focus upon the right things to do, prayerfully! 

 I really can't imagine what Jesus was feeling like, because He had just performed one of His greatest miracles, and in process, set the wheels in motion for His execution. Things like that just don't usually happen! You know He knew everything that they were saying and plotting, so it had to get a little bit under His skin. 

 By the way, I find myself moaning more and more lately. Just a thought, but maybe it might be time to get away. Better yet, why not just read my Bible and focus upon the Word; stop making this life distract me from what is most important, following Christ...

"So we have stopped evaluating others from a human point of view. At one time we thought of Christ merely from a human point of view. How differently we know him now! This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!" (2 Corinthians 5:16-17 NLT) 

Thursday, December 15, 2022

"Set In Motion"

 "Then from that day forth they took counsel together for to put him to death." (John 11:53 KJV) 

  "I love them, but they try to destroy me with accusations even as I am praying for them! They repay evil for good, and hatred for my love." (Psalm 109:4-5 NLT)

 Isn't interesting how this becomes more than just a disagreement, but a quest? It takes on a whole new meaning, which goes from questioning who Jesus is, to a determination to destroy Him, no matter who He might be, or where it is that He might say He came from! 

 I am so sorry, but this is more than just about these misguided, supposed religious leaders; this is about God's plan to redeem mankind, and He uses everything for the good of His purposes and will. Regardless of how evil they might appear, their plot to kill Jesus was set in motion by the Father's intensions for all that He has planned, from before the foundations of earth! 

 I have no doubt that these men thought that they were doing the right thing, as they felt that they needed to protect the nation and their livelihood. But putting a man to death for doing good, that does seem to be a little extreme, especially for those that are supposed to be men of God. 

 However, that is actually not unusual for this tribe of men; for their sort have put many of God's servants to death; some of which were brutally murdered. There are just some things that set men's hearts in motion; and if that motion is just a few degrees off, there is just no telling how far off they might get! 

The same is true about our person journey, as we veer off the path, sometimes we can get really off track and end up somewhere we never expected to be. I have heard it explained like a ship on the ocean, where, if you are just a small degree off, a hundred miles from the point you went off, can really make a pretty big difference in where you end up. 

 I really don't see it getting much better, as it appears as though we have pretty much veered too far off course, and it is really too late to turn back now. By the way, my recent update on my phone wanted me to set up face-recognition while wearing a facemask. What's up with that? 

 I only have three words to say: Come Lord Jesus...

"Praise the LORD! Yes, give praise, O servants of the LORD. Praise the name of the LORD! Blessed be the name of the LORD now and forever. Everywhere - from east to west - praise the name of the LORD. For the LORD is high above the nations; his glory is higher than the heavens. Who can be compared with the LORD our God, who is enthroned on high? He stoops to look down on heaven and on earth." (Psalm 113:1-6 NLT) 


Wednesday, December 14, 2022

"The Children of God"

 "And not for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad." (John 11:52 KJV)

  ""Once you had no identity as a people; now you are God's people. Once you received no mercy; now you have received God's mercy."" (1 Peter 2:10 NLT)

 It sure feels good to be a part of something that actually has a future and a hope! Regardless of what might happen here, on this earth, we that are God's children have something better that is made for us, on the other side of this life. Thank you, Jesus! 

 Something that we need to think about, often, as often as we can! The more we can remember to set our eyes on the prize, the easier it is to get through all of the trials and tribulations of this life. Amazingly, it is just that simple! Sometimes I might not think that it is, but that might be because I have hardened my heart against the thought of it, because I have chosen instead to care more about this life.

 Just being honest, because it happens more frequently than I care to admit. I can be in such a wonderful place, feeling as though I have it all together and that there is nothing that is going to upset me; and then, bang! Just like that, I am mad because someone has cut me off in traffic, or someone has trespassed on my feeling or my rights. 

 To be perfectly clear, it is a real thing that too many of us, the children of God, deal with and need to get it under control! Just saying that because I see myself being out of control more often that I care to admit. If I think I have the ability to be a peaceful and caring person, somehow, that ugly and selfish person comes to life. 

 Anywho, we deal with this world, but we should not let the world affect us, even though it always seems to affect us anyway, in one way or another. By the way: if you really want to know what is best, then think about what is best! We are not under the law, but under grace. So why put into practice the craft of considering what not to do, instead, we should be focused upon what to do. 

 We, as God's children, have a better purpose then that of trying not to do that which wrong, because the Holy Spirit within us wants us to do all that is right! So be good, for goodness' sake...

"Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires. So get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives, and humbly accept the word God has planted in your hearts, for it has the power to save your souls." (James 1:19-21 NLT) 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

"Being Prompted"

 "And this spake he not of himself: but being the high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation;" (John 11:51 KJV)

  "When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely. Three things will last forever - faith, hope, and love - and the greatest of these is love." (1 Corinthians 13:11-13NLT)

 To be perfectly clear, this year which John is referring to, is that which the whole world was longing for, most of which, did not even know what time that they were living in! This was the curse upon that serpent in garden, where God said, "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." (Genesis 3:15 KJV)

 Let me tell you, with experience and having failed, time and time again: when God prompts you to do something, you need to pay attention to what He says, and you must do it! When you do not, you regret not doing it, and your countenance is somewhat weakened, and you lose something that you should have gained. 

 Not that God will not restore you and give you another chance, because He is faithful to complete the work in you that He started, one way or another! It is really best for us to seek and work towards the one way, because another might be so much harder and painful...

"I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done." (Philippians 3:7 NLT) 

Monday, December 12, 2022

"Expedient For Us!"

 "Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not." (John 11:50 KJV)

  "Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal's death on the cross." (Philippians 2:6-8 NLT)

 Maybe this man, being the high priest, could actually envision Jesus on the cross; seeing that he was so quick to accept the fact that Jesus needed to die for the sake of the nation. Having seen that, if he did, he should have also been reminded that it was a sin to take the life of someone who committed no crime worthy of death! 

 Again, I will relate the story of David, as it was just as bad for him to have one of his faithful warriors killed, just to cover up own foolish sin. And why did David need to take the life of one of his, "The Thirty Mighty Men"? Because it was expedient for him to do so, just to cover up his sin! 

 I once heard a message regarding this sin of David, which places David's sin being based upon the fact that he was not where he was meant to be, when he was meant to be there. As you may know, this sin took place when the kings were meant to be out on the battlefield, not resting at home. When we are not at the place where we should be, when we are meant to be there, sin happens! 

 What is sin? Is it doing something you are not supposed to do? Well, sure it is but that is because you are not doing something that you are supposed be doing; you are missing the mark, a mark being what God expects of you, has told you to do, or what is required for you to show that you love Him.

 As for this Caliaphas, high priest or not, his mind is being used to conjure up sinful thoughts: or as Matthew Henry puts it, "the devil's policy." How can this be the devil's policy, if it is God's will for it to be done? Jesus said that the devil was the father of lies, which he proved himself to be, time and time again. 

 When Adam sinned in the garden, the lie was about not dying, which the devil spoke to Eve about, but Adam was involved in that lie also. Where was Adam? What was Adam meant to be doing? Eve was deceived by the lie, but Adam used the lie to sin! He knew full well that he was not to eat, but he ate it anyways, because he wanted to sin against God! 

 When I was hooked on doing sinful things, things that cause men of God to be sifted like wheat; I can recall several times when God said, "Don't do this, my son!" But I did it anyways, even though God tried to prevent me, I kept on trying until I had my way. God would shut the door, and I would find another door; God would put up a fence, and I would find a latter. 

 Sooner or later, God will just allow us to have it our way; and then we get torn apart by the devil. Yes, the devil is evil and should never be associated with God and His holiness; but the devil too is just a puppet, who can only do what God allows him to do! 

 We have been given free will, because God does not want us to love Him just because He says that we should love Him; He wants us to love Him, because He loves us more than we could ever love ourselves! That is why He did what He did, to send His Son down here, that He could show how much He loves us: it was expedient for us... 

"When he sees all that is accomplished by his anguish, he will be satisfied. And because of his experience, my righteous servant will make it possible for many to be counted righteous, for he will bear all their sins. I will give him the honors of a victorious soldier, because he exposed himself to death. He was counted among the rebels. He bore the sins of many and interceded for rebels." (Isaiah 53:11-12 NLT) 

Sunday, December 11, 2022


 "And one of them, named Caiaphas, being the high priest that same year, said unto them, Ye know nothing at all," (John 11:49 KJV)

  "There is more hope for fools than for people who think they are wise." (Proverbs 26:12 NLT)

 I pray that there was no misunderstanding from yesterday's post, because it was not my intention to make anything about me and my giving; but to be clear about the fact that God wants us to trust Him, especially when there seems to be nothing else, we can do, but to trust Him! When we think that there is no way, God is the Way! Absolutely and positively, without a doubt! 

 Now, about this high priest and his analyses of the previous conversation; to be perfectly clear, he was not speaking as though he knew what was going on, while all the others did not: as we shall see, this was God's moment to speak, he was just God's puppet. There was nothing he knew that even comes close to the real knowledge of what was going on, especially the identity of Jesus and where Jesus came from. 

 There is something more important here, than just the Temple, the spiritual leaders, or even the nation of Israel; this was about the way to the cross! The Roman's had the venue, and the Jewish leaders had the vendetta; other than that, they all were clueless about what was really going on.

 I really don't have any great faith to move mountains, but I have faith enough to know that God can do anything; but even if He does not, He is still God, the One that loves me and is for me, and He will see me to the other side of this life! As far as finances go, I am being honest when I say that I do not care about holding on to anything! If I have extra money, I will either pay off some debt or give it away. My way of thinking is that God wants me to live for today, not to live by worrying about tomorrow.  

 Other than that, my biggest concern is for my wife; even that is still day-by-day, as I wonder when God is going to take her home, whether or not it might be today. That is what Jesus has told us to do, to not be concerned about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have its own concerns. (Matthew 6:34)

 That said, we are living in some very interesting times, and we seriously need to be paying attention and not fall asleep at the wheel! Not that we have any control over anything, but we do have people in our lives that need to be shown the Way...

"Always be full of joy in the Lord, I say it again - rejoice! Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon. Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:4-7 NLT) 

Saturday, December 10, 2022

"Earthly Wisdom"

 "If we let him thus alone, all men will believe on him: the Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation." (John 11:48 KJV)

  "The fears of the wicked will be fulfilled; the hopes of the godly will be granted." (Proverbs 10:24 NLT)

 I really hope that you understood the message that was being put forth from the last two days, because the point I was trying to make was that we must draw closer to God, not away, when we are being tested or silenced in our calling or duty towards God. What we must do, regardless of the way things might appear, is to do what we feel pleases God, not what pleases men! 

 Oddly enough, this thing that they feared to happen, did happen anyway. It really didn't matter what they were going to do, because the story had already been written, long before they even started to worry about it, the ball was already in motion. Besides, this was all part of the plan that God had ordained to take place; even if they might have had a change of heart, it would have only been a temporary change, as it was for God's purposes that were going to have Jesus placed upon the cross. 

 Here is a little pickle to chew on, if you would like to see how this thing I have been going through is going, and whether or not it has stopped being such a challenge to adjust to. On the one hand, it has been amazingly awesome, as I anticipated that it would; on the other hand, I discovered yesterday evening that there was one small glitch in my plan. It appears that I have one job that I was paid for early, which has already been spent, an $8,800 job, that we have just about finished. 

 Actually, all that is left, is for me to go up there and treat it, but right now, the place is covered in snow. As it was, until yesterday, this week's total actual receipts were a messily $2,100, but I was hoping that they would exceed at least $3,800. Yesterday morning I had a call from my mother-in-law that we had only received $350 in the mail; and I told her that I wasn't going to total out the week yet, because the day was not over yet. I said, "Someone might come by the house and drop off a check." 

 Well, that is exactly what happened! Someone came by and dropped off a check for $3,140, even though they only owed $2,990; they did not realize the Inspection fee had already been paid. After I returned home from the memorial service in Lodi, (which by the way, was at one of the most awesome Pest Control offices I have ever imagined could exist,) I opened the mail on my desk and found another $35 check. 

 So then I began totally up all that I had received, both personally and professionally, which was over $6,760 from the week; however, my actual sales only totaled $1,900. So, if I was going to tithe from my previous way of calculating my income, the sales as well as the personal money I received all week, would only have totaled about $3,160. However, I usually never right a tithe check for less than $500. 

 Okay, now the pickle! A $680 check was what I was planning to write, which really wouldn't have been such a big deal. But then I glanced up at my weekly sales calendar, noticed that the week was very slim, and I imagined what it would look like if I had included the job that still needed to be spayed. And then I realized it was already paid! 

 I don't really know if you followed all of that or not, but my tithe check amount wasn't enough! According to my previous way of doing things, that job would have not been counted towards my tithe accounting until it was done and posted on my sales calendar, which hasn't happened yet; but I am no longer tithing based upon sales but based upon actual revenue received.

 There you have it! Do I write a check that I can afford to write, the $680 messily amount, or do I write a check that I should, for $1,560? What do we! Is really not a question that needs to be asked! We do what God expects us to do; and we do it cheerfully...

 "Then Nebuchadnezzar flew into a rage and ordered that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego be brought before him. When they were brought in, Nebuchadnezzar said to them, "Is it true, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, that you refuse to serve my gods or to worship the gold statue I have set up? I will give you one more chance to bow down and worship the statue I have made when you hear the sound of the musical instruments. But if you refuse, you will be thrown immediately into the blazing furnace. And then what god will be able to rescue you from my power?"  

 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego replied, "O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty. But even if he doesn't, we want to make it clear to you, Your Majesty, that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up."" (Daniel 3:13-18 NLT) 



Friday, December 9, 2022

"What Do We?" - To

 "Then gathered the chief priests and the Pharisees a council, and said, What do we? for this man doeth many miracles." (John 11:47 KJV)

  "It was now two days before Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread. The leading priests and the teachers of religious law were still looking for an opportunity to capture Jesus secretly and kill him. "But not during the Passover celebration," they agreed, "or the people may riot." (Mark 14:1-2 NLT)

 There was something I might have forgot to mention, as it were; these men that were plotting to kill Jesus, were supposed to be the go-between between God and the people. I can recall one New Years Eve, my wife and I went to Calvary Chapel in San Jacinto for night of fellowship, singing, and a movie, to bring in the New Year.

 The movie that we watched was the story of John Huss, who was burned at the stake, having realized, as he was translating the Scriptures, that the authority of the Scriptures should be returned to the sole source of faith, not the Church. The Pope was not very happy about this purposed reform, as you can imagine; so, he was burned at the stake for being a heretic in 1415. As he stood before the stake, he said, "In the truth of the gospel which I have written, taught, and preached, I die willingly and joyfully today."  

 Interestingly enough, there are still those who believe that the layman, which is considered to be a person without professional knowledge of Scriptures, should not be allowed to teach or preach God's word. I can see how that might have some creditability, but the Holy Spirit that lives within every believer, He has the credentials to put forth God's word, clearly and without the filter of mankind being used.

 Please forgive me if I mess up from time to time, apparently, I have upset the power's to be, and I keep getting all sorts of interference and disruptions in typing. Every other word wants to be repeated, almost as if someone is mocking me and having a little fun with the auto-correct feature.  

 My point is, that these chief priests and Pharisees obviously know that there are a multitude of the people that believe in Jesus, so they ought to have some consideration for what the people think. But, as it was, and still is today, those that hold the power, do not care what those that are below them think! 

 That said, I really must keep reminding myself, we need to pray for those that are placed in power! No matter what they might be like or how bad they might be, we must pray for them and stop talking bad about them, because if they are where they are, God has allowed it; therefore, there must be a reason that they are there. 

 Hopefully that makes someone out there see some importance in following the Scriptures; myself included! I may not like the policies and the weirdness, but it is rather entertaining; especially knowing that God is ultimately going to have His way, no matter what! 

 Besides that, John Huss' death caused there to be at least a hundred years of strong opposing to the Church rule and authority over the common man. Everything works to the good, even those things which might seem horrible and wrong; when God is pulling the strings, everything is right and good...

"The council threatened them further, but they finally let them go because they didn't know how to punish them without starting a riot. For everyone was praising God for this miraculous sign - the healing of a man who had been lame for more than forty years. As soon as they were freed, Peter and John returned to the other believers and told them what the leading priests and elders had said. When they heard the report, all the believers lifted up their voices together in prayer to God: "O Sovereign Lord, Creator of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them - you spoke long ago by the Holy Spirit through our ancestor David, your servant, saying, 'Why were the nations so angry? Why did they waste their time with futile plans? The kings of the earth prepared for battle; the rulers gathered together against the LORD and against his Messiah.' "In fact, this has happened here in this very city! For Herod Antipas, Pontius the governor, the Gentiles, and the people of Israel were all united against Jesus, your holy servant, whom you anointed. But everything they did was determined beforehand according to your will. And now, O Lord, hear these threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word. Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus." After this prayer, the meeting place shook, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Then they preached the word of God with boldness." (Acts 4:21-31 NLT) 

Thursday, December 8, 2022

"What Do We?"

"Then gathered the chief priests and the Pharisees a council, and said, What do we? for this man doeth many miracles." (John 11:47 KJV) 

  "Why are the nations so angry? Why do they waste their time with futile plans? The kings of the earth prepare for battle; the rulers plot together against the LORD and against his anointed one. "Let us break their chains," they cry, "and free ourselves from slavery of God." But the one who rules in heaven laughs. The Lord scoffs at them." (Psalm 2:1-4 NLT)

 Very interesting, but didn't anyone of these spiritual leaders think to pray? I think I know why, having remembered when my wife and I would fight. It was my duty and responsibility to call us to prayer, but did that always happen? No! Maybe once or twice, as I can recall; but for the most part, it really wasn't part of the argument, so I didn't make it part of the conversation.  

 I really do miss those arguments! At least back then, my wife was able to speak! In my heart of hearts, I would do anything to have a chance to engage in another argument with her; because knowing what I know now, I would pray as if I was within a burning house or car! 

 This is really not all that hard to understand, because I truly believe that this was God's plan all along, so these men were really not able to have a conversation God in this moment, at least not within their current state of mind. Their hearts were hard, their minds were searching for ways to stop Jesus, and they were only thinking about themselves, their power, and their livelihood. 

 That is really a pretty tuff spot to be in, as I should know. Although, I pretty much was willing to give up on all of that, I am trusting the God will watch over all that He has me to do, whatever that might end up being. This morning I felt God telling me to hand out Bibles. How that works into the big picture, I guess we will wait and see. 

 As for my challenge to correct my financial giving, so far God is making all things work out; at least no one has complained too much, as of yet. I have been writing down every bit of money I get, and yesterday I ran out of room on the line of paper for each bit that I received. People that I did not expect to get paid from, paid me, even though they were not the responsible party to pay. 

 Our phones are ringing, and my mother-in-law is having a hard time finding times to schedule all of the appointments being requested for Inspections. Now, it is up to me, not to complain about being overworked and working 16 hours a day, like I usually do when things get busy! Thank God for all He does and pray for all your needs! Don't complain about anything! 

 Seriously! Do you know what you do when you complain about your situation or circumstance? In that very moment, you are taking your eyes off of the Lord...

"Now then, you kings, act wisely! Be warned, you rulers of the earth! Serve the LORD with reverent fear, and rejoice with trembling. Submit to God's royal Son, or he will become angry, and you will be destroyed in the midst of your activities - for his anger flares up in an instant. But what joy for all who take refuge in him!" (Psalm 2:10-12 NLT

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

"Obstinate Infidelity"

 "But some of them went their ways to the Pharisees, and told them what things Jesus had done." (John 11:46 KJV)

  "Again and again they tested God's patience and provoked the Holy One of Israel. They did not remember his power and how he rescued them from their enemies." (Psalm 78:41-42 NLT)

 We don't need to look that far in order to see how this all works, because there are surely some parts of this same deception and envy in each and every one of us, whether we can see it or not, it is within us all! Try as I may, I still sometimes find myself speaking about others behind their backs. I always need to stop myself, wondering why I needed to open my mouth like that in the first place. 

 My mother always told me, "If you don't have anything nice to say about someone, don't say anything at all." There are two ways to interpret that, what you might say to someone in their face, and what you might say to someone behind their back. But in reality, there is really only one to way to see how it is represented, because the word, "about," means that you are not actually talking in their face! 

 God sees you, at all times! Don't we really understand that by now? I know, it is sometimes hard to get that simple understanding when we are in the midst of committing a sin. It's almost as if we somehow think that God's not looking, maybe because He doesn't look at sin, or maybe because we are so caught up in what we are doing, we forget that He is even there. 

 Texting while driving is a really good example of what that might look like. We think we have such a control over what we are doing, until we focus upon what we shouldn't be doing; then we totally forget about that which we should be doing, like watching the road!

 These, "some of them," are the ones that are full of themselves and were only there for obligation or for the money. It was not for the love of Mary, Martha, or Lazarus that they were there, but to fulfill their own needs to be rewarded. Having been in that state, they were quick to react as they did, by running off to tell the Pharisees what Jesus had done. 

 Something that we should know, but even if we do know, we can easily forget. David is such a great example of what takes place within our hearts. Having sinned with Bathsheba, he did all that he could to cover his sin, without even thinking about the consequences or the wrong that he was doing. For the moments of passion, his compassion left! 

 I know, this might seem dreary and somewhat melancholy, but it is life! No matter how hard we might try, the same sin creeps into all of us, to put ourselves above someone else. Even if you don't think that you do that, putting yourself above someone else, you most certainly do, you just don't realize that you do. It might just be such a habit or so normalized in your life, you just don't see that it is there.

 Again, anywho! We need to start loving others more, much more than we think that we do! Love does not tear down or try and rule over someone else! We are all brothers and sisters in Christ, there is none that is greater than another, because there is only One over us, and that is Christ Jesus! 

 Think about what might have been going through the minds of these, 'some of them,' because they obviously were not thinking about God or how mighty what they witnessed proved who Jesus was! It was all about me, myself, and I; how this thing that was done, might somehow, make me look better...

 "If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn't love others, I would only be a noisy gong or clanging cymbal. If I had the gift of prophecy, and I understood all of God's secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn't love others, I would be nothing. If I gave everything I had to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn't love others, I would have gained nothing.

 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance." (1 Corinthians 13:1-7 NLT)

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

"Yielded at Last"

 "Many of the Jews which came to Mary, and had seen the things which Jesus did, believed on him." (John 11:45 KJV)

  "We serve God whether people honor us or despise us, whether they slander us or praise us. We are honest, but they call us impostors. We are ignored, even though we are well known. We live close to death, but we are still alive. We have been beaten, but we have not been killed. Our hearts ache, but we always have joy. We are poor, but we give spiritual riches to others. We own nothing, and yet we have everything." (2 Corinthians 6:8-10 NLT)

 Don't ask me how I did, because I don't think I stayed still! I held back as long as I could, but by 3:00 in the afternoon, I figured out a way to try and cover all of the items that were going to come through the bank that day, including a $3,000 IRS installment. Sorry if I didn't feel like leaping off the cliff, but I am still trying the best I can to provide for the people who work for me. 

 That said, I don't feel as though I did anything wrong, besides wasting the money that I probably paid in NSF fees; at least somebody gets blessed by my mismanagement of money. If the bank gives me the chance to use my overdraft privileges, in a pinch, I am going to use them! Go ahead and call me a sinner, I deserve it! 

 Let me tell you something else, far greater, about my day. I had a chance to pray for someone yesterday, as I heard God tell me to, and I immediately ask him, "Can I pray with you?" He looked as though he was relieved, as if he had been waiting for a brother in the Lord to ask him that. As I started praying, I did not realize it at the time, but I kept saying, "We," as if there were two praying for him. 

 As I drove off, I suddenly started to realize what I had said, wondering what he might have thought, thinking if maybe it might have seemed weird of something that I kept saying "We." But then I felt the Holy Spirit within me, in a very audible voice, say, "I am with you always!" 

 Anywho; this verse we have before us today, although it is short and sweet, it contains a lot of distance and a powerful punch; so much so, that you cannot contain the power that is being illustrated within it. John does well to point out, "Many," instead of saying, 'Some, ' or even saying, 'All.' Many of those which came to Mary, actually came to honestly comfort her in her time of grief. Some of those who came, were just mourners' that came as if they were doing their part, or even being paid by friends or family members. 

 Matthew Henry points this out, by saying, "When we are doing good offices to others we put ourselves in the way of receiving favours from God, and have opportunities of getting good when we are doing good." Basically, it is God that softens the heart to allow us to see the wonderful work that He is doing; it is God that calls sinners to the throne of Grace! 

 If we are truly wanting to do good, even if we might not even know what we are doing, He will open the eyes of our heart to see Him more clearly. That, my dear brothers and sisters, goes much further than we will ever really know...

 "That night there were shepherds staying in the fields nearby, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord's glory surrounded them. They were terrified, but the angel reassured them. "Don't be afraid!" he said, "I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior - yes, the Messiah, the Lord - has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! And you will recognize him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger." 

 Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others - the armies of Heaven - praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased." When the angels had returned to heaven, the shepherds said to each other, "Let's go to Bethlehem! Let's see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about." 

 They hurried to the village and found Mary and Joseph. And there was the baby, lying in the manger. After seeing him, the shepherds told everyone what had happened and what the angel had said to them about this child. All who heard the shepherds' story were astonished, but Mary kept all these things in her heart and though about them often. The shepherds went back to their flocks, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen. It was just as the angel had told them." (Luke 2:8-20 NLT) 

Monday, December 5, 2022

"The Plot to Kill Jesus"

  "Many of the people who were there with Mary believed in Jesus when they saw this happen. But some went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done. Then the leading priests and Pharisees called the high council together. "What are we going to do?" they asked each other. "This man certainly performs many miraculous signs. If we allow him to go on like this, soon everyone will believe in him. Then the Roman army will come and destroy both our Temple and our nation."

 Caiaphas, who was high priest at that time, said, "You don't know what you're talking about! You don't realize that it's better for you to that one man should die for the people than for the whole nation to be destroyed."

 He did not say this on his own, as high priest at that time he was led to prophesy that Jesus would die for the entire nation. And not only for that nation, but to bring together and unite all the children of God scattered around the world.

 So from that time on, the Jewish leaders began to plot Jesus' death. As a result, Jesus stopped his public ministry among the people and left Jerusalem. He went to a place near the wilderness, to the village of Ephraim, and stayed there with his disciples. 

 It was now almost time for the Jewish Passover celebration, and many people from all over the country arrived in Jerusalem several days early so they could go through the purification ceremony before Passover began. They kept looking for Jesus, but as they stood around in the Temple, they said to each other, "What do you think? He won't come for Passover, will he?" Meanwhile, the leading priests and Pharisees had publicly ordered that anyone seeing Jesus must report it immediately so they could arrest him." (John 11:45-57 NLT)

 Maybe you have been wondering what it is that I have been dealing with, this tribulation thing that I have been talking about. I usually don't like to share my problems, because I usually try and hide anything that might be wrong, and just focus upon and share about the good things, leaving the bad things for God to just work out.

 However, yesterday's message about Peace, made me think that this tribulation might actually be a thing that I need to share, because the peace we have in tribulation isn't realized by others, until they know what is really going on in our life. At least that is what I took away from Rick's message, that God will allow us to be in certain trials, not just to correct us, but to also allow us to be used in our trial so that others might grow also.

 Anywho, here it goes. For the last several months, maybe most of this year, I have been struggling with keeping up with my bills. It's usually not something that I worry about, because I am usually always confident that God will supply for all my needs. I will trust God enough to make sure that I have used all my resources to pay for all my current bills, and then some. If there is money left over, I will usually pay extra on something that I owe, or I will donate the money to something else the Lord might lead me to do. 

 My tithes are based upon everything that goes through me; if it comes into my right hand, 10% of it that goes out from my left hand gets given automatically as a tithe. So, it is not something I seldom worry about, the money all belongs to God! We are just a conduit that His money goes through. I don't even really have a savings account or money stashed away for a rainy day.

 If anything, my credit cards are my savings account, but lately, they have become my master! I have been struggling to keep up with Pay Roll, taxes, and most any other thing that requires a monthly payment; so much so, that I have used and taken from my credit cards to the point of being almost in the largest debt that I have ever been in, without having a mortgage! 

 I felt that God spoke into my heart yesterday morning, and I feel that He showed me what one thing was that I had been doing wrong, so I have decided what it is I must do; besides that I need to stop worrying about money! Because I have been in sales, for the last 40 years, I have pretty much been basing the majority of my tithes upon the amount that I generate in sales. Most of which is really not realized until that job actually gets paid. 

 Therefore, I felt the Lord told me that I must keep a daily record of everything I actually receive on a daily basis, using that for my accounting on what to give, not based on that which I have not yet received. Crazy as it might sound, but that is the way I have done it, since as far back as I remember. To be totally truthful, as far as I can remember, I have always struggled with finances. I am good at making money, I am terrible at handling and managing my finances! 

 All that said, I got a kick out of Rick's illustration of the Frozen song, "Let it Go," because that is really where I feel that I am right now, letting it all go, if that is what God wants me to do; it all belongs to Him anyways, so it is not mine to hold unto to. I just need to focus on two things: Holding on to Jesus and taking care of my wife! 

 This morning as I was praying for what God would have me do, this very small and quite voice spoke into my heart, just two barely audio words: "Be still"...

"Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth." (Psalms 46:10 KJV) 

Sunday, December 4, 2022

"Hand and Foot!" - Encore!

 "And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin, Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go." (John 1144 KJV)

  "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here I am. Send me!"" (Isaiah 6:8 NIV)

 You probably haven't seen me do that very often, quote anything from the NIV; but I was using the Bible Hub for my reference, and NIV is right above the NLT. Every time I would start typing the NLT version, I would find myself ending up doing the NIV version instead; so, I finally gave in and just went with the NIV one.

 That is really a thing, in case you might not have understood where that came from. Our guest speaker at the men's breakfast yesterday was sharing his testimony, as it goes, that was the majority of the message, and how it is that God speaks to us do things, and we need to listen and do them when He says to do them, whether or not we want: if He says to go do it now, then we need to do it now! 

 Bruce started out his message explaining his divorce, and how things turned terribly bad against him; so much so, that he had gotten up one night out of his sleep, grabbed his gun, and went out into the yard to kill himself. At 2:30 in the morning, as he was about to pull the trigger the phone rang, he didn't answer, but when it rang again. He thought one of his kids might be calling, so he went in and answered it.

 The call happened to be from a girl that he went to school with, and she asked, "What are you doing, Bruce?" He answered, "I was asleep! Why are you calling me in the middle of the night?" She asked again, "What are you doing, Bruce?" He answered, "I already told you? Why are you still asking me?" Then she said, "Are you trying to kill yourself? Because God woke me up, and told me I needed to call you, right now!" 

 Let me tell you, my heart stopped, and I began to weep! That is some very serious stuff, because I have been on the calling side of that before, but I did not call when I should have. I made a note to self, to call that person in the morning. When morning came, I made the call, left a message, and never heard back! Not quite sure what might have happened, because it was so long ago, it wasn't something I followed up on, and don't even remember whole situation. All I can remember is I didn't get out of bed when I felt God prompting me to go!

 Bruce also shared about the time his nephew tried to commit suicide and was at Mercy on a Suicide Watch. God told Bruce to go and visit his nephew, but Bruse was overwhelmed with things to do, and said he would do it later. However, he somehow found himself driving towards Mercy anyways, and had ended up on the west side of Placer by the Dog Park; so, he decided to just go visit him right then.

 As he turned down the back street towards the hospital, he spotted a man walking towards him, away from the hospital, with IV tubes in his arms and wearing a gown. It was his nephew! Yes, it really is a thing! When you are trusted to be God's servant, and you do not listen, God will put in a place that will cause you to do what He says! Just ask Jonah, when you see him!

 After the message, we were asked to do a ten-minute table discussion. Me, being the weirdo that I am, needed to share about something I knew, that must people I have told it to, did not know. It was about, then candidate Trump and when he visited Governor Mike Pence, to try to get his endorsement. Mike told him that he could not endorse him. because he was endorsing Ted Cruz. 

 So, as Donald Trump was leaving his office, Mike stopped him and asked, "Will you pray with me?" Donald replied, "You want me to pray with you? No one has done that before!" Well, most of you might know what happened after that! Mike was prompted to ask him to pray with him, he responded right away, and God moved! 

 Yes, Jesus performed a great miracle, beyond anything else, (with the possible exception saving me,) but Lazarus still needed to come out of that tomb, even then, because he was bound, Jesus made it happen anyway. And then, because they could and should have anyway, Jesus instructed those around Lazarus to unbound him and let him go. 

 Jesus could have also caused all of those bandages to just fall to the ground; but He had people standing there, that could take care of the things that people can do. Note to self: If a fail to do what it is that God instructs me to do, I will most likely not be allowed to enjoy the things I want to do...

"And the LORD God arranged for a leafy plant to grow there, and soon it spread its broad leaves over Jonah's head, shading him from the sun. This eased his discomfort, and Jonah was very grateful for the plant. But God also arranged for a worm! The next morning at dawn the worm ate though the stem of the plant so that it withered away. And as the sun grew hot, God arranged for a scorching east wind to blow on Jonah. The sun beat down on his head until he grew faint and wished to die. "Death is certainly better than living like this!" he exclaimed. Then God said to Jonah, "Is it right for you to be angry because the plant died?" "Yes," Jonah retorted, "even angry enough to die!" Then the LORD said, "You feel sorry about the plant, though you did nothing to put it there. It came quickly and died quickly. But Nineveh has more than 120,000 people living in spiritual darkness, not to mention all the animals. Shouldn't I feel sorry for such a great city?"" (Jonah 4:6-11 NLT)

Saturday, December 3, 2022

"Hand and Foot!"

 "And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go." (John 11:44 JKV)

  "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." (1 Corinthians 15:32 KJV)

 Okay, so you might be wondering how this all works out, seemingly, because there are so many more parts of this that can be the subject of the conversation. If you really want to know, it is precisely that reason why I chose that title, because there are so many different titles, like, 'All Bound up,' for one! 

 However, if I made that the title, then I would have to also address the fact that he was made loose, and we would be on a completely different subject. Anywho, due the constraints of time, as I must leave this house in 28 minutes, hand and foot speaks of both, bound and loose! 

 By the way, how exactly did he come forth, being all bound up as he was? Could he have just floated out, as if Jesus caused him to levitate out of the grave? Some say, Jesus performed several miracles in one, as this man was brought back to life, he was healed of his sickness, and he came forth from that tomb, all wrapped up, hand and foot...

"What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is with us, who can ever be against us? Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won't he also give us everything else? Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for his own? No one - for God himself has given us right standing with himself. Who then can condemn us? No one - for Christ Jesus died for us, and he is sitting in the place of honor at God's right hand, pleading for us." (Romans 8:31-34 NLT)