Wednesday, December 15, 2021

"His Word!"

 "Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life: and I will raise him up at the last day." (John 6:54 KJV)

  ""Come in with me," she urges the simple. To those who lack good judgment, she says, "Come, eat my food, and drink the wine I have mixed. Leave your simple ways behind, and begin to live; learn to use good judgment."" (Proverbs 9:4-6 NLT)

 You must realize what this means; and if, for whatever reason you can't figure it out, make sure you seek out the answer! You are responsible for your own salvation! Therefore, you must find the answers that you need, not neglecting to make an effort to either figure it out, or ask for help in understanding. And, whatever you do, make sure that God's word confirms and affirms anything you find out or are told. 

 To try as hard as I know how, let me say, I am very simple; or at least I try very hard to not complicate matters, or at least I try to find simple solutions. If I don't quite know what to do or how to react, I pray and ask God to show me the how or the way. That said, if I really want to hear any answer, then it is my duty to stop and listen! If I will not take the time to stop and listen, then He will provide me the opportunity to it, whether I like it or not. 

 Case in point: yesterday I was dealing with several issues and matters that were beginning to cause me to be frustrated for answers; so, I simply cried out to the Lord for help! My busy schedule does not really give me much time to rest, let alone to pause and relax long enough to listen to what God might have to say; even though I am searching for answers. 

 So, God provided me a chance to listen, called a 4-mile-long traffic delay! One of my issues had to do with my reaction to the mask mandate which is to start today; as I know in my heart that it is being administered to control and hinder our freedoms, not to control any kind of spread of a virus. I felt as though I wanted to refuse any such order, refuse to honor any business that followed the order, or simply stop eating out and order all my food online. 

 I know, the sound of that is really stupid and childish; but the whole thing is getting stupider by the day! However, the name given to this new variant is very similar to Omega, or the sound of (O) that is used to say it; which is all Greek to me! That said, I believe God told me to be a good person; in what condition that might represent, I believe that it requires not being bad! Do what is good in every situation or circumstance; whether you like it or not, do not put yourself over others and try to love those that might hate you or mistreat you. 

 It might seem a little sheepish, but I am pretty sure that most stores and eating establishment are not out to hurt anyone, but are just trying to stay in business. I do however think that our churches are being taken for another serious ride, as it requires a proof of vaccine to gather together; or some such nonsense! 

 My advise to anyone that might be looking for answers: Read God's Word!!! Get as much of His Word into your minds as you possible can! Take your Bible with you, whether it is a pocket Bible or a large big print Bible that weighs 10 pounds; if you must, use your phone or tablet; but get into His Word and let His Word get into you...

"I and crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." (Galatians 2:20 KJV)  

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