Tuesday, October 27, 2020

"The Look!" -Too

 "My beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door, and my bowels were moved for him." (S.O.S. 5:4)

  Before moving on, I cannot neglect to reference the special relationship we have with the Lord; He does not neglect to do whatever it takes to gain our hearts, even when we are stubborn and neglect to let Him move in our lives. As much as I might try, I can never achieve holiness; as a matter of fact, the more I attempt to achieve it, the harder it becomes; the more I strive to be righteous, the more defined and enlightened my unrighteousness appears. 

  This is the point of what we are looking at, the simple act of His hand appearing; that hand which was used to form man into being, to mold man from the dust of the ground, to part the Red Sea, to light the match that devoured the sacrifices of the alter: that hand which was outstretched upon that cross! His hand that reached into the very center of my heart; the darkness which I dared not to show or uncover to Him, He no doubt could easily access and pull it out! 

  There is only one way we can be rid of these agonizing sins, and it is not by power and by might! So, here is the look we are looking at: the brightness that shines upon the darkest place in our hearts, is made manifest by His grace which produces mercy! Look into your heart and see; there is no mercy deserved for that, not without the grace of His righteousness! Without His grace, there is no mercy, none whatsoever!

  I am trying hard to maintain my thought, but there is too many thoughts to maintain. But when are allowed the moment, as this moment represents, we are given the chance to see what we are missing. In the case of this Young Woman, she was missing the chance to show kindness and compassion to the one that she loved. That brief and flashing moment, was all that it took, and her heart sank into her stomach. It was all she could do, but want to have those few moments back; to not open up at the sound of His voice, and the knock of His hand! 

  You know, there is something to look at, something there that must be seen: Keep your eyes upon what you have been given, and quit trying to look for what you do not have...

"Seeing it is one God, which shall justify the circumcision by faith, and uncircumcision through faith." (Romans 3:30) 

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