Friday, January 24, 2020

"Worthlessness and Falsehood"

"Whose mouth speaketh vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood." (Psalms 144:8)

  What a seriously sharp contrast, power and might, to worthlessness and falsehood. Now you might be able to see why this is a separate post, because there is no comparison, at all! That said, there is a movement afoot, or underfoot, if you will, to try and place the Holiness of God on trial; it might not actually be apparent or advertised with flashing lights; but nonetheless, there are certain people who say that they represent the church, that are trying take issue with the Holy Bible. It really has been a thing that has been around forever, so we shouldn't treat it as something new; but it has become more and more brazen. Enough said, just saying that we need to be aware. There are several things that I believe we must hold onto with all of our might: the truth of God's Word, the power of the cross, and the victory that we have been given in Christ. No matter what anyone might try to say otherwise, if we do not believe that the Bible is 100% true and authorized by God, as in He has anointed it and calls it His words, then we need to pray for God to change our heart and make our minds right! It is not even something that needs to be debated, we just need to do it, and do it right away! I don't care who says what, if what they say takes away from the truth of God's Word, turn away and reject it as worthless words of falsehood. Do not even give it the time of day! As to the power of the cross: we have got to believe in God's forgiveness! So much was spent on this, it must never be made cheap and common; it is just as Jesus said from the cross: "It is finished!" Whether you realize it or not, His blood bought and paid for your sins; never to be needing any other sacrifice again, because His was the final sacrifice for sin! As if it ended there, some might assume; there is nothing that is complete in a vacuum! When there is something that is taken away, there is something that is put in its place: Victory! Jesus spoke to this, using the story of the possessed man that was cleansed, but did not put anything back in; as He used the reference to his body as a house. (Matthew 12:43-45; Luke 11:24-26) Paul too, uses the reference to how we must reckon our old selves dead unto sin, but now alive unto God. (Romans 6:6-14) I know we sometimes feel powerless to sin, because there is so much sin all around us; but the victory is ours, because Christ Jesus defeated both, sin and death! By one man, all were born under the curse of death; by another Man, all have been made alive unto God! If you really want to see a sharp contrast, there is nothing greater to be looked upon. Wow, do you realize what that looks like and how that works...

""How are these things possible?" Nicodemus asked. Jesus relied, "You are a respected Jewish teacher, and yet you don't understand these things? I assure you, we tell you what we know and have seen, and yet you won't believe our testimony. But if you don't believe me when I tell you about earthly things, how can you possibly believe if I tell you about heavenly things? No one has ever gone to heaven and returned. But the Son of Man has come down from heaven. And as Moses lifted up the bronze snake on a pole in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him will have eternal life."" (John 3:9-15) NLT

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